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<br />-2- <br /> <br />prepared by the Community FImming and Design ASt3 'no <br />Incorporated, and initialed by D81c,Ojl tT .LC)Ctr;[;ae,l'dcn,Jl'. <br />on file in the Village Hall; six t'\'Jo inch mapb trees <br />upon 40 foot centers l"cated on the public right-ai-Hay <br />kno"\-Jn as Dionne Street, together 'dith curbs and sod, <br />also located upon said public right-of-vJaY, and all <br />dosignated in the above mentioned Site Development Plan; <br />Mr. Kugler also agrees to install such further shrubbery <br />on the public right-of-,'JaY immediately adjacent to the <br />north of the above described property or upon thE,t portion <br />of Dionne to be vacated, as ma~r be requirod by the Vil:L2[;O <br />of Hoseville vJithin one year from the date of the issuD,nco <br />of the special use perrrLi"t. <br /> <br />J. The Village 01' Eo[;e'rille grants permission to Hr. l\:ugler <br />to construct tho above mentioned improvenents upon all <br />public streets where involved for a period of e months from <br />the date of the special use pennit, which in~)rovements <br />shall conform to the grades as established by the Villag;e <br />Engineer and to st::mdal'ds as established by t.he Village Code. <br />In the event that Hr. Kugler shaD. fail to inst.all or COlilplete <br />said improvements on Village property, I'll'. Kugler ngrees <br />that the Village may install and complete the same upon the <br />completion of which Hr. l(ugler shall pay the Village for all <br />the costs thereof. <br /> <br />LI. ThatL'Ir. Kugler agrees to inst.all, or ccmses to install all <br />fences, trees, and sodd8d iH'0JD.s as desicnatoc1 on the ~3i te <br />Development Plan mentioned in Condition I on Er. Kugler's <br />property 'VJithin 6 months from tho date hereof, said fence <br />to be of such style or design as des:i.gnated by the Village <br />of Eo seville, .. or its agent, 3nd to remove the existing frame <br />buildings from the property within 18 months; it being further <br />agreed that if llr. Euglel~ shall in ~my respect fail to complete <br />the Hork designated in this paragraph, that the VillaGe may <br />cause the same to be accomplished and is granted the continuinr: <br />irrevocable right for such :J. pei'iod of time as is reasonably <br />necessary after the expiration of the said 8 month period to <br />accomplish the same and Lr. Kugler agrees to pay :1'01' the cost <br />of such ,-lOrk immediately upon completion. <br /> <br />5. That hr. Kugler agrees to maintain the grass, trees, and <br />iences and replace, if necessary, fromi:,imo to Lime so as to <br />keep the property in an orderly and nea.t appearing condition. <br />It being agreed that if Lr. ~lg18r is notified by the VillaBe <br />'Hi th respect to some needed maintenance and 1'11'. hugler does not <br />perform the same within a reasonable time, the Village rili]." <br />cause such maintenance to be porformed and Ill'. Kugler apeec1 <br />to pay for the same immediately upon cOlnpletion. <br /> <br />6. That hr. Kugler caused to be removed 'dithin 8 lllonths of <br />January' 1, 1962, a certain garage (a 1100d frame building <br />'\-Jhich is now used as a garage) front the property. <br />