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<br />-5- <br /> <br />Don Lydon, 3024 Highcrest Road, asked what his assessment would be. <br /> <br />~~. Turnlund replied that he would furnish a list of the anticipated <br />assessments and each could look up his particular assessment at the <br />end of the meeting. <br /> <br />Mr. Lydon asked about assessments on property on Lydia Avenue and <br />Lydia Court. The Mayor explained that this property was not being <br />assessed since it did not contribute any water to the Highcrest <br />Storm Sewer. <br /> <br />Mrs. Charles L. Garr, 3016 Highcrest Road. Mrs. Garr stated she did <br />not believe the property on Lydia and Lydia Court east of Highcrest <br />Road did not benefit from the water improvement. In fact, she felt <br />they benefited more than she. She stated also she felt she was pay- <br />ing to solve someone else's problem. The Mayor pointed out that most <br />of the water problem originated in St. Anthony and they were defraying <br />95% of the cost of the project and that 5% assessed against the <br />properties in Roseville was because these properties contributed water <br />to Highcrest Road. Since Lydia and Lydia Court properties did not <br />contribute water to Highcrest Road they would not be assessed for <br />this project. Mrs. Garr asked if this then goes for completing the <br />resurfacing of Highcrest Road. The ~myor replied there would be no <br />resurfacing other than grading and oiling of the street. Mrs. Garr <br />then asked about the trench that was dug in the fall of 1962 to <br />alleviate the drainage situation. The Mayor stated as soon as the <br />storm sewer project was completed the trench would be filled in and <br />the road graded back to its original shape. Mr. Turnlund explained <br />that there was a difference between maintaining and resurfacing a road. <br />Resurfacing probably would only be undertaken on an assessment basis, <br />whereas maintenance involved grading the road to shape and dust~eat- <br />ing it with an oil surface. <br /> <br />William J. Karlson, 3016 Highcrest Road. Mr. Karlson asked the question if two <br />cents per square foot applied only to lands that would drain directly to <br />Highcrest Road. The ~~yor stated yes. He then asked if there would be any <br />further assessments on this property for storm sewers which would be installed <br />in the Village streets. The Mayor answered that there would be no further <br />assessments on property described in this improvementi that is, that section <br />included in the assessment. However, if storm sewers were necessary to take <br />water off another portion of the property, which drained into another dir- <br />ection, that portion would be assessed for the storm sewer in the future. <br /> <br />~tt. Donald Kozen, 2528 Lydia Avenue, stated that he was not directly <br />involved in the assessment but he was affected by the water. He stated <br />he woulu like to know whether or not there were going to be catch basins <br />on the east side of Highcrest. The Mayor stated there would be catch <br />basins stationed along Highcrest at points designated by the engineers <br />as necessary for pickup of water. Mr. Hanson indicated the locations of <br />the catch basins indicated on the plan now under construction by the <br />Village of St. Anthony. Mr. Kozen then asked if there would be any <br />further problem with water running down streets in Roseville, such as <br />Millwood, Lydia Avenue, etc. The Mayor said there shouldn't. Mr. Kozen <br />then asked if the open ditches along Lydia Avenue could be discontinued. <br />Mr. Turnlund replied that it would be necessary to maintain these ditches <br />to assure adequate drainage of water off the streets from property east <br />of Highcrest Road. <br />