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<br />- 3- <br /> <br />Rule 15. Seatin~ of Councilmen. The seating of the Council at the <br />Counci~ table wlll be rotated monthly. <br /> <br />Grauel Moved, Anderson Seconded~ that the Council ratify the Mayor's <br />appointment of Thomas Curley as the Acting Mayor for 1973. Roll <br />Call, Ayes: Anderson, Brennan~ Curley, Grauel and Linebarger. Nays: <br />None. <br /> <br />Grauel ~1oved, Curley Seconded, that Bob Pope be reappointed as <br />Chairman of the Planning Commtssion, Roll Call ~ Ayes: Anderson, <br />Brennan, ilirley, Grauel and Linebarger, Nays: None, <br /> <br />Curley Moved, Brennan Seconded, that Albert Grauel be appointed <br />liason member to the Planning Commission. Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, <br />Brennan, ilirley, Grauel and Linebarger 0 Nays: None 0 <br /> <br />Grauel Hoved, Curley Seconded, that Cameron Anderson be appointed <br />as liason member to the Parks ann Recreation C:orrmitteeo Roll Call, <br />Ayes: Anderson, Brennan, Olrley t Grauel and Linebarger, Nays: <br />No:r.e. <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Grauel Seconded, that Thomas OJrley be annointed <br />a delegate to the Ramsey Cotmty League of Municipalities. Roll Call, <br />Ayes: Anderson, Brennan, Curley, Grauel and Linebarger 0 Nays: <br />None. <br /> <br />Anderson Moved, Curley Seconded, that Hichard Brennan be appointed <br />as delegate to the Minnesota League of Hmicipalities. Roll Call, <br />Ayes: Anderson, Brennan, Curley, Grauel and Linebarger. Nays: None. <br /> <br />Curley Moved, Grauel Seconded, that Dr, W, W, ,Amerongen be reappointed <br />as Roseville Health Officer. Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, Brennan, <br />Curley, Grauel and Linebarger, Nays: None. <br /> <br />Grauel Moved, Curley Seconded, that t.he Ro se\tille State Bank, <br />Suburban National and the North Star State B8Jl~ be named as Village <br />depositories for the year 1973. Roll Call ~ Ayes: Anderson, <br />Brennan, Qlrley, Grauel and Linebarger. Nays: None, <br /> <br />Anderson Hoved, Grauel Seconded, that the Suburban Sun be named <br />the official newspaper for the Village of Rosevilleo PDll Call, <br />Ayes: Anderson, Brernan, Curley, Grauel and Linebarger, Nays: <br />None. <br /> <br />Grauel Moved, Cl1rley Seconded, that the appointment of Chief <br />Ray Goneau by Mayor Linebarger as Civil Defense Director for the <br />year 1973 be ratified. Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, Brennan, wrley, <br />Grauel and Linebarger. Nays: None, <br /> <br />Anderson Moved, Curley Seconded, that the Council ratify the <br />appointment of Kenneth Johnson by the Mayor, as the Police Civil <br />Service Commission member for a three year term ending December 31, <br />1976. Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, Brennan, Curley and Linebarger. <br />Nays: None. <br /> <br />ACTING MA YOT:( <br /> <br />PLANNING <br />CG1tvlISSION <br /> <br />LIASON <br />MEMBER - <br />PLAJ',lNING <br />Ca.f.HSSION <br /> <br />PARK AND <br />RECREATION <br />CG~lITIEP <br /> <br />RAMSEY CnUN1Y <br />LEAGUE OF <br />MUNIC I PAL IT IES <br /> <br />MINNESOTA <br />LEAGUE OF <br />MUNICIPALITIES <br /> <br />HEATH OFFI CER <br /> <br />VILLAGE <br />DEPOSITORIES <br /> <br />OFFICIAL <br />NEWSPAPER <br /> <br />CIVIL DEFENSE <br />DIRECTOR <br /> <br />POLICE CIVIL <br />SERVICE <br />CCl-MISSIONER <br />