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<br />objections, and all written objections theretofore filed with <br /> <br />the Village Manager were presented and considered, and all such <br /> <br />objections were tabulated as follows: <br /> <br />MHS. DONNA HASSEL, 1270 Woodhill: Asked 'dhen the improvement <br />would be completed. Also asked why their assessment would be <br />spread over ten years instead of 20 years. <br /> <br />MR. ROY MEYER, 2718 Huron: He said that at the feasibility <br />hearing a statement was made that 50% of the improvement would be <br />paid by general t.axes. Mr. Raymond replied that the original minutes <br />indicate that 5~/o would be paid for the curb and gutter. ~tr. Meyer <br />further said he thinks the ice arena and village hall benefit the <br />whole village clnd he doesn't think they're picking up enough of the <br />cost of the improvement. <br /> <br />tffi. BENNETT ERICKSON, 2717 Huron: Asked why a 9 ton road was <br />constructed rather than a lower axle load road. Mr. Raymond explained <br />that it's a 9 ton road because it's part of the Roseville municipal <br />state aid street system and the state has a minimum 9 ton load <br />equlvalency. Mr. Raymond further pointed out that the assessments <br />are based un a 7 ton road with .the balance picked up by MSA funds. <br /> <br />FROM 'I'HE AUDIENCE (no name given): Asked for an explanation <br />of state-aid roads. <br /> <br />MR. DON MC CULLOCH, 2718 N. Griggs: Asked if all of the <br />assessment projects were completed. When informed that they were <br />not, he said his impression was that the assessment hearing would <br />not be held until all construction work was finished. He further <br />understood that the county would not participate in the project un- <br />less it was completed by October 1. Feels that the matter is being <br />rushed and also that the contractor is not doing a good job. Further <br />asked to what extent state aid funds would be available. He believes <br />that every resident in the village uses Woodhill Drive and he has <br />neighbors who are not paying an assessment because Fernwood and <br />Griggs are dead end streets. Feels that the total cost of the <br />improvement not paid for by state-aid funds should be on general <br />taxes to be paid by the entire village. <br />