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<br />3" <br /> <br />Brennan tvbved, Hess Seconded, that Mar Ie Slawlk 's preEmlllary <br />plat "Slawik Park" be appIOved and a public heallng be estab <br />lished on the rezoning from lIto B 3, special use permit, <br />fInal plat and varIance to sIgn heIght, slZe, and number for <br />April 8, 1974 Roll Call~ Ayes, Demos, He~s, Brennan, Curley, <br />and Linebarger Nays: None <br /> <br />MARIE <br />SLAWIK <br /> <br />Curley, tvbved, Brennan Seconded, that March 25, 1974, be esta <br />bl1shed for the date to consider appoi.ntments to the Planm_ng <br />CommISSIon. Roll Call, Ayes: Demos, Hess, Blennan, Curley, <br />and Lmebar ge r Nays: None - <br /> <br />PLANNING <br />COMMISSION <br />APPOiNTMENTS <br /> <br />Brennan MJved, Hess Seconded, that Gerald Anderson"s request <br />for excavat lOn of channel tor beach improvement at 2884 West <br />Owas5o Blvd be referred to the Plarnnng Commls510n_ Roll <br />Call, Ayes: Demos, Hess, Brennan, Curley, and LInebarger <br />Nays: None -. <br /> <br />GERALD <br />ANDERSON <br /> <br />Demos Moved, Hess Seconded, that the Mayor be authOrIzed to <br />send a letter to our state legislators regardmg certain hquor <br />bills that are of concern to the CIty of Rosevllle. Roll Call, <br />Ayes: Demos, Hess, Brennan, Curley, and LinebargeL Nays: <br />None. <br /> <br />LIQUOR <br />LEG! SLATlON <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Hess Seconded, that the bIlls be paId_ Roll <br />Call, Aye::,: Demos, Hess, Brennan, Curley, and Lmebarger, <br />Nays: None <br /> <br />BiLLS <br /> <br />Arnencan Linen Supply Co <br />Aces 66 Station <br />American Express <br />Gretchen Blank <br />Board of Water Commissioners <br />Board of Water ConumsslOners <br />Bnssman Kennedy, Inc <br />Barnett Chrysler Plymouth <br />Carner Hardware <br />Capl tal City Weldmg <br />Donnelly E1ec <br />Emergency VehIcle <br />EqUIpment Supply <br />Fireside Office Supply <br />Flexible PIpe Tool Co <br />Fisher Photo Supply <br />General Spons <br />R, L Gould <br />Gateway Glass <br />Graphics E tV <br />Green Leaf Tree Set v <br />Gulf 011 Corp <br />Girard Steel and EqUlpment <br />Harmon Glass <br />InternatIonal Harvester Co, <br />Kath Bros, Fuel <br />Knox Lumber <br />L Z Co <br /> <br />$ 25L 15 <br />12 00 <br />31,35 <br />15 22 <br />120,00 <br />2.9,740.15 <br />145 00 <br />142 9S <br />72 . Sl4 <br />110 93 <br />17 50 <br />1,400 00 <br />272 01 <br /> <br />481 64 <br />1,260,18 <br />38,00 <br />10 70 <br />36 11 <br />10 20 <br />1,237 00 <br />1,051 10 <br />191,20 <br />64,53 <br />24.39 <br />5_58 <br />76,72 <br />218 7S <br />