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<br />Minutes of Meeting <br />of City Council <br />City of Roseville <br />Ramsey County, Minnesota <br />March 10, 1975 <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular <br />meeting of the City Council of the City of Roseville, Minnesota, <br />was held in the City Hall in said city on Monday, March 10, <br />1975, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. <br /> <br />The following members were present: Mayor Linebarger and <br />Councilmen Curley, Demos, Hess and Brennan; and the following <br />were absent: None. <br /> <br />Also present were James F. Andre, City Manager; Robert <br />Bell, City Attorney; Charles Honchell, City Public Works <br />Director; and Peter S. Popovich, City Bond Consultant. <br /> <br />MAYOR LINEBARGER: I'd like to welcome you to our regular <br />March 10, 1975 City of Roseville Council meeting . . . . We <br />will now go to Item B-1, the improvement hearing for storm <br />Sewer 74-14B. I will announce the hearing. The purpose of <br />the improvement is storm sewer. I will ask the Manager to <br />present the legal notices. <br /> <br />MR. ANDRE: I have the Certificate of Mailing and affi- <br />davit of publication for Improvement Storm Sewer 74-14B. <br /> <br />MAYOR LINEBARGER: I will ask our Public Works Director <br />to present a summary of the nature of this improvement, the <br />area involved and the cost estimate. <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: The proposed improvement is for a storm <br />sewer in the area of Marion Street and Capitol View and <br />Minnesota. The proposed improvement is to construct a set of <br />catch basins at the intersection of Minnesota and Marion and <br />then construct a storm sewer line heading southerly down to <br />the intersection of Capitol view and Marion where additional <br />catch basins would be constructed, and then a pipe carried <br />north to the Trunk 36 Highway right of way where we go into a <br />ditch and then a ponding area on the other side of the trunk <br />highway. The proposed construction is to be assessed against <br />those homes shaded in green as shown on the screen, and this <br />is proposed to be a regular storm sewer assessment that a <br />typical family lot (inaudible) $250.00 per lot over a 20 year <br />period. The engineer's estimate is approximately $22,422.00. <br />Would you like me to go into some of the rationale as to its <br />need? <br />