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<br />'TiY ()}~ <br /> <br />. rTJ)'J~' <br /> <br />? I'!eetino; of t:l'; '~itv COlmcil - ~~C'yt:c':)(~'" L;, 1':''7';. <br /> <br />The City Cotmcil net on the above date with the following <br />members present: Hayoy Linebarger, Councilmen Brennan, <br />Curley and I-Jess. ;)enos arrived at 7: 35 P .1r. <br /> <br />A-I Brennan r'1oved, Hess Seconded, that the minutes of the regular <br />neeting of September 8, 1975, be approved. Roll Call, Ayes: <br />Brennan, Curley, Hess and Linebarger. Nays: None. <br /> <br />B-1 Curley I'Dved, BTennan ;;econdec1, that Hichels Construction Company <br />request for finnl pInt "T"iC11':~ls Hosel.'1"T"l 1t2" be approved and the <br />Hayor and I1cmai,.er be authorized to sign the hard. shells conditioned <br />upon all delinquent a...v1 CUYY8'lttaxes bai".? paid by the applicant <br />:)rior to the signiw!. Rnll ('all, '\.vcs:'1, Curloy, Fess and <br />Linebarger. Nays: 'JO'lC. <br /> <br />D-l Curley MJved, Hess Seconded, that the letter from Dianne Scl1enz <br />regarding renaming of Civic Center Drive to Ayd Drive be referred <br />to the Planning Cornnission for recommendation. Roll Call, Aycs: <br />Brennan, OJrley, Demos, Hess and Linebarger. Nays: None. <br /> <br />D-2 Demos Hoved, Hess Seconded, that Resolution No. 6297 receiving <br />petition and calling for feasibility report on utilities and <br />street construction on Evelyn Street from C~unty Road D to Brenner <br />Avenue be adopted. Roll Call, Ayes: Brennan, Curley, Del'lOS, Hess <br />and Linebarger. Nays: None. <br /> <br />'-3 Hess Moved, Demos Seconded, that a public hearing be held on <br />October 20, 1975, regarding plans of Northern States Power <br />Company to cons truct 400 HVA lines and support towers along the <br />Mirmesota Railroad Beltline. Roll Call, Ayes: Brennan,.c:urley, <br />Demos, Hess and Linebarger. Nays: None. <br /> <br />E-4 Curley Moved, Brennan Seconded, that the matter of tax forfeited <br />property be referred to the Parks & Recreation Committee for <br />recorrrnendation regarding the property's use as park land. Roll <br />Call, Ayes: Brennan, Curley, Demos, Hess and Linebarger. Nays: <br />None. <br /> <br />E-5 Brennan ~ved, Curley Seconded, that Resolution No. 6298 appointing <br />Election Judges and AI temate Judges for the Primary Election on <br />October 21, and the General Election on ~overmer 4, 1975, be adopted. <br />Roll Call, Ayes: Brennan, Curley, Demos, I-less and Linebarger. <br />Nays: None. <br /> <br />E-6 Curley Hoved, Demos Seconded, that Resolution No. 6299 agreeing <br />to the exchange of roadway jurisdiction with the County Road <br />Commission whereby D.oseville would revoke jurisdiction of County <br />Road B- Z from Snelling Avenue to Cleveland Avenue; and that the <br />Ramsey County Board of Commissioners revoke jurisdiction for <br />Cleveland Avenue from Fairview Avenue to County Road C, subject <br />to approval by the Cornnissioner of Highways of the State of Hinnesota, <br />be adopted. Roll Call, Ayes: Brenna'1, Curley, Demos, Hess and <br />Linebarger. Nays: None. <br /> <br />7: ~)O Po". <br /> <br />HINUfES <br /> <br />I 'MI rnELS <br />ROSRLAWN <br />NO .2'" <br /> <br />RENAMING OF <br />CIVIC CENTER <br />DRIVE <br /> <br />RESOLUTION <br />NO. 6297 <br /> <br />PROPOSED <br />NSP LINES <br /> <br />TAX FORFEITED <br />PROPERTY <br /> <br />RESOUITION <br />NO. 6298 <br /> <br />RESOLUTION <br />NO. 6299 <br />