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<br />in County Road a from just opposite Herschel Street to a point <br />just beyond the entryway to the school parking lot - elementary <br />school. This opening would provide for a left turn stacking <br />for the east bound traffic which would come this way, move in, <br />and be allowed to take a left, or the west bound which would <br />enter the same general area and turn back into the school yard. <br />Left turns would be permitted out of both of these facilities. <br />This project is proposed to be assessed to the abutting property <br />owners. That completes this portion. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: t~ould the fiscal agent present a summary of <br />the financing. <br /> <br />MR. POPOVICH: The published costs are estimated as <br />$10,950.00. It's proposed that it be 100% assessed against the <br />property owners. In talking it over with the Finance Department <br />it was suggested that perhaps what we ought to do is assess on <br />a unit basis charge according to the benefits of the respective <br />property owners, so rather than have front footage formulas, <br />we looked at it as to what the benefi~ would be. It's our <br />suggestion that the school on the south side of County Road B <br />be assessed 50% of the cost, or $5,475.00. Allied Stores on <br />the northwest corner assessed 25% of the cost, or $2,737.50. <br />Rosedale Towers, the office building, 12 1/2% which would be <br />$1,368.75, and Darrell Farr, the owners of the property between <br />the office building and County Road B would be 12 1/2% for <br />$1.368~15. <br /> <br />As bas been our past practice, obviously this is a feasi- <br />bility hearing and these costs may (inaudible) determined by <br />the costs themselves, but some projection of costs should be <br />given. After the costs have been approved and the assessment <br />hearing held, the property owners would have 30 days in which <br />to pay the assessment in full with no interest charge. Other- <br />wise it would be assessed and collected with real estate taxes <br />the fOllowing year after the assessments are spread, with 8% <br />interest on the unpaid balance. Property owners would have <br />the opportunity of paying anytime during the 20 year period if <br />they didn't pay during tbe 30 day period following the adoption <br />of the assessment roll. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: Do you have any letters or communications? <br /> <br />2 <br />