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<br />This is a vicinity map. I assume everyone here is familiar <br />with the location. This would be a traffic map - 12,900 cars in <br />1973 on Silver Lake Road from old Highway 8 to the west - around <br />14,000 to 15,000 between there and 35W, and dropping to 8,900 <br />from 35W to Cleveland. A typical section indicates concrete <br />curb and gutters with four lanes - 12 foot lanes - two in either <br />direction. You will notice on the north, or left side, a pro- <br />posed walk - bikeway type facility. That occurs in New Brighton <br />and St. Anthony and they would be asked to participate in the <br />cost of that. It does not occur in Roseville. I won't dwell <br />on it. <br /> <br />The initial plan sheet from Highcrest going east - the <br />four lane roadway - hardly any change in grade. A little bit <br />of lowering on the top of the hill on the east side coming over <br />the hill to try to improve the site distance. Again lowering <br />the road maybe six inches to a foot a~ most, and here welre <br />coming into the garages on the left hand upper side of the <br />(inaudible) just east of the PDQ store and the road is starting <br />to widen out. It's widening out to make provision for a pro- <br />tected left turn pocket at old Highway 8. This is a typical <br />section showing an additional 16 feet for the left turn pocket. <br />This would be the intersection here and here. There is no pres- <br />ent development in Roseville in this area through here from the <br />corner of old Highway 8 to the west back to about this point <br />(inaudible) the garages from the first property ownership where <br />welre asking 16 additional feet of right of way to the west city <br />limits (inaudible) providing for the left turn movement into <br />the PDQ store and prohibiting (inaudible) developing a free <br />flowing right turn here at the intersection. Practically no <br />change to the intersection itself in the north/south direction. <br />The introduction of a median again on the east side of old <br />Highway 8 headed toward new Highway 8. Here, as you approach <br />new Highway 8 the signals will be revamped. Welre proposing a <br />free right hand lane to accelerate some of this traffic on new <br />Highway 8. Southbound therels a large (inaudible). Also the <br />returning traffic going north would be encouraged to use Long <br />Lake Road and tie into 8 between there and the root beer stand. <br />On the east side of new 8 again a short piece of median with a <br />free right turn lane. The existing development on that side <br />and the north side, I believe, is the Perkins Cake and Steak in <br />that area. No additional right of way required and at Long Lake <br />Road the median would end with a fully developed left turn from <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />\ <br />