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<br />MR. REILING: You already grabbed what you see as <br />valley Park. The village grabbed that. Ilm not anxious to have <br />any more grabbed, and talking about the first fellow that was <br />up here about wanting natural open space - I think one of the <br />statements he made was we could have sold it to open space. <br />We would have been glad to sell it to them, but they wanted to <br />steal the property. They didnlt want to buy it. This is <br />true. plus some other reasoning - the other reason was if <br />they haa to pay what it was worth, then the taxpayer couldn't <br />afford the price of leaving it open land. but when it went <br />through the assessment and through the board that sits and <br />listens and give you the values - the Commissioners - <br />it went through hhere, and it went twice as high as what open <br />space expected it to go to and that twice as high was peanuts <br />compared to what lots are worth, so it wasnlt because we wouldn't <br />want to sell to open space. Somebody is going to buy it. I <br />don't want to eat it. If open space had wanted to buy it, we <br />would have sold it. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN GRAUEL: You were talking about the pond, and <br />as Charlie brought up about the amenity of having the pond, in <br />the area, ~nd open the water space, and do you feel that the <br />properties that you have to develop around there - the single <br />family homes - would be better by having the pond there and <br />more salable being near open water than it would with dry land. <br /> <br />MR. REILING: I think everyone likes water, but the only <br />thing is Ilm not driving a Cadillac because I canlt afford it. <br />I donlt want that pond. (Inaudible). <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: What you really mean is Mary hasn't gotten <br />one out of you. <br /> <br />MR. REILING: One day weIll probably have it, but you put <br />taxes on us so strong. Government starts here and it goes up <br />to the county and you have influence with the county. To <br />answer you question, I don't thing the cost is worth the <br />addition (inaudible). <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: The assessment for storm sewer is not directly <br />based on the cost of the storm sewer improvement as proposed in <br />this project. The assessment is ~295 a lot and that would be <br />the same if, say $10,000, W2S saved in the project or if we <br />found $10,000 or more to be s~ent on the project. Itls based <br />on the cityls standard policy. <br /> <br />-16- <br />