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<br />MRS. THORA BERGREN, 3015 West Owasso Boulevard: I <br />own my home and a lot behind me and I live on a Social'Security <br />check and I just woulonlt be able to help Mr. Reiling build his <br />undeveloped property, so if he wants to buy my lot, as he stated, <br />for $15,000 1111 sell it to him to payoff the road or the <br />street that you Ire putting in. How about it, Mr. Reiling? <br /> <br />MR. REILING: Welre selling them for $15.000j welre not <br />buying them for $15.000. <br /> <br />MR. SIDNEY OLSON, 3043 West Owasso Boulevard: I don't <br />own the lot behind me. so as far as the development - as <br />long as the development affect~ me. the only way it affects <br />me i~ the ~torm sewer which is S295 which is my garden in <br />thar corner (inaudible) we don't have any ~ater. lId sand- <br />bag my garden before lId pay $295 to the city. I know a lot of <br />my neighbors that do own the back lot and they bought it so <br />they would have more land, and if you develop it you're only <br />forcing them to sell it because they can't afford to pay <br />assessments. You're just taking land and their dreams and <br />plans away from them so that one man can get what he wants <br />which all of us will be paying for him which is totally unfair, <br />and I think most of ~he people tonight have said they're <br />opposed to it, and I am too. <br /> <br />MRS. KAREN AHLSTROM. 3057 West Owasso Boulevard: My <br />husband was up here. We're a neighbor of Mr. Olson. We do <br />not own the lot behind us. At the time of our closing we hired <br />as a lawyer a person who is well knO\VD as a Judge in Roseville. <br />He carne to the village hall and said nothing would ever come <br />up where we would have to pay assessments, so the storm sewer <br />assessment is something that we feel is totally unnecessary. <br />and if necessary. ,ve can go back and see whatever was written <br />down at that time of closing because we did not. see this plat <br />at that time. and I came over here last week and came to the <br />engineer's office. and they said everyone is :shown that at the <br />time of the closing of their house, and we were not informed <br />of this and we do not own a lot behind us. <br /> <br />MR. DENNIS NOSBISH, 2975 West Owasso Boulevard: You <br />were so surprised that a lot of the people did not know about <br />these:;t.reets when we purchased the property. I didnlt either, <br />and the reason I bought th?t lot - I was aW2re it wcs a double <br />lot - was for my children which I have five. and I moved out <br />of a small 50 foot by 100foot lot in a small home into Roseville <br /> <br />-28- <br />