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<br />CITY OF OClSEVILLE <br /> <br />Regular ~ting of the City Conncil - February 13, 1978. <br /> <br />7:30 P.M. <br /> <br />'Ihe City Council rret on the above date with the following <br />rrembers present: Acting Mayor Curley, Conncilroen Kehr, <br />Anderson and Franke. Absent: Mayor Dem::>s. <br /> <br />A-I Anderson M::>ved, Kehr Seconded, that the minutes of the <br />regular rreeting of Janu.aIy 23, 1978, be approved. Roll <br />Call, Ayes: Kehr, Anderson, Franke and CUrley. Nays: lbne. <br /> <br />MINUTES <br /> <br />Acting Mayor Curley proclairred the week of February 12 - 18, <br />1978, as "Office Education Association Week". <br /> <br />POClCLAMATION <br /> <br />B-1 Anderson M::>ved, Kehr Seconded, that Herbert Kath's request <br />for final plat at 2125 Hamline Avenue be continued nntil the <br />Conncil rreeting of March 13 f 1978. Roll Call, Ayes: Kehr , <br />Anderson, Franke and Curley. Nays: lbne. <br /> <br />HERBERI' KATH <br /> <br />B-2 Anderson M::>ved, Franke Seconded, that Fesolution No. 6607 <br />approving Mr. Stephen Behr I S request for final plat at 645 <br />Transi t Avenue be adopted. Roll Call, Ayes: Kehr, Anderson, <br />Franke and Curley. Nays: None. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION <br />NO. 6607 <br /> <br />E-l Franke M::>ved, Anderson Seconded, that M. M. Developrrent <br />Corporation's request for preliminary plat at 1751 Connty <br />!bad B be approved and a public hearing on the final plat <br />be established for March 13, 1978. Roll Call, Ayes: Kehr, <br />Anderson, Franke and Curley. Nays: lbne. <br /> <br />M. M. <br />DEVElOPMENT <br />CORPORATION <br /> <br />E-2 Kehr M::>ved, Franke Seconded, that Albin Gustafson's request <br />for division of lot at 1000 IDvell Avenue be approved. Roll <br />Call, Ayes: Kehr, Anderson, Franke am Curley. Nays: lbne. <br /> <br />ALBIN <br />GUSTAFSON <br /> <br />E- 3 Anderson M::>ved, Franke Seconded, that a public hearing be <br />set for March 13, 1978 on Glen Stockman's request for special <br />use permit at 2370 Prior Avenue. Roll Call, Ayes: Kehr, <br />Anderson, Franke and Curley. Nays: lbne. <br /> <br />GLEN <br />Srra::KMAN <br /> <br />E-4 Anderson M::>ved, Kehr Seconded, that Calvin Garley's request <br />to withdraw his application for variance to ordinance requir- <br />ing sidewalks at 2670 and 2680 lbrth Oxford Street be approved. <br />!bll Call, Ayes: Kehr, Anderson, Franke and CUrley. Nays: <br />None. <br /> <br />CALVIN GAmEY <br /> <br />E-5 Franke MJved, Anderson Seconded, that Har-Mar, Inc. :request <br />for extension of sJ;ecial use penni t at 2100 North Snelling <br />Avenue nntil August 9, 1978, be approved. Poll Call, Ayes: <br />Kehr, Anderson, Franke and Curley. Nays: None. <br /> <br />HAR-MAR, IOC. <br /> <br />E-6 Anderson M::>ved, Franke Seconded, that Fesolution lb. 6608 <br />authorizing the Mayor and Manager to sign lease lb. H-2911 <br />for the rental of vacant land with the Minnesota Departrrent <br />of Transportation be adopted. !bll Call, Ayes: Kehr, Anderson, <br />Franke and Curley. Nays: None. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION <br />NO. 6608 <br />