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<br />-3- <br /> <br />E-6 Kehl 1IIbv!:dJ A.r::derson Seconded, that Resolution Noo 677l <br />pleparation of d. feasibility study on ProJect <br />6&- S'II.cF~)8- 1 ,Cou''1ty Road C-2 from Old Highway 8 to Long <br />l.clRe Road be adopted Roll Call, Ayes:Kehr, Anderson, <br />C...L1t . FlaJi)kp and Oem::; Nays ~ None < <br /> <br /> <br />KehltSeconded, that. Resolution No. 6772 <br />("a1L~n9 Ice plepaTaHon of a feasibility study on Project <br />SS-'w..'S'r-P-78-'29, Count.y Foad C-2 from Snelling Avenue to <br />Hantlme Avenue f be adopted '.' Roll Call, Ayes: Kehr, Anderson, <br />Curley Ii F'ranke and l:emos? Nays: None 0 <br /> <br />Reh::: J.V.t:l'ved, Andetson Seconded, that Resolution No. 6773 <br />'.:a] I for prepaJtation of a feasibili.ty study on Project <br />P-79-2" Skillman A:ll'enuefrom E'airview Avenue to Snelling <br />Avenue flOe adoptp...:J." Poll Calli Ayes: Kehr , Anderson, Curley, <br />B'ranke and Demos Nays: None. <br /> <br />B-7 Cm.Jley Moved I! F'ranke Seconded, that, the Mayor and Manager <br />be authmized to enter into an agreerrent with the consulting <br />fi.r:1Tl of. 5ho:rtil El.1iott and Hend:dckson for various minor <br />engineelt'Lnrg projects during 19790 Roll Call, Ayes: Kehr, <br />Anderson, Cur. Ie)' ~ Franke and rErros 0 Nays: None. <br /> <br />E~8 Arldcn:scJD M:lveO.? Curley Seconded, that Resolution No. 6774 <br />canceU i:rJg aSS'8ssrrents on property at COl.mty Road C and <br />Lex:li.ngt~on f deeded to the City of Foseville, be adopted. <br />RoI Ll Call, Ayes; Kehr, Anderson, Curley, Franke and De1ros. <br />Nays: NGil1.e <br /> <br />E- 9 l.\'1cn/ed, franke Seconded, that Gregory Huberty's request <br />t~;J.r, division tJif lot at 2926 Old Highway 8 be referred to the <br />.I.~lar::rl1ng Comnissi.on, Roll Call, Ayes: Kehr, Anderson, Curley, <br />Franke and Demos 0 Nays: None, <br /> <br />Curley fuved,FrankeSeconded! that Roberts Construction Co. <br />T€f..J.tllest. for varlounce to floor area ratio at 2581 Fairview <br />Ave:m..l!2 beretenced to the Planning Conmission. Roll Call, <br />A).es: RehUt ~ Anderson " Cur1el' ,Franke and De1ros . Nays: None 0 <br /> <br />CLlleyMovedqF'ranke Seconded, that Fine Associates request <br />tor .c€zoning frtan R-l t.O B-1 and variance to building height <br />at 14 Oounty Road C be referred to the Planning Comnission <br />and tb:a.t the Oouncil pub 1 ic hearing be establishErl for the <br />rreeting olf"etltuary J2, 19790 Roll Call, Ayes: Kehr, Anderson, <br />Cut 7 Franke and DP..rnos ... Nays: None. <br /> <br />fj-lU Andelcsnn!Vb'\;,ed, F:r.d11ke Secondedy that the City Attorney be <br />instructed to prepare Mil ordinance providing for Firemen 8 s <br />pension changes as apprm1ed by the Council in Resolution No. <br />6758 dated Deoenber 4 p 1918 c Roll Call, Ayes: Kehr, Anderson, <br />Curley, Franke and I:lerroSo Nays: None. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION <br />NOo 6771 <br /> <br />RESOLUTION <br />NOo 6772 <br /> <br />RESOLUTION <br />NO, 6173 <br /> <br />SHORT, ELLIOTT <br />& HENDRICKSON <br /> <br />RESOLurlON <br />NO. 6774 <br /> <br />GREGORY HUBERI'Y <br /> <br />ROBERl'S <br />CONSTROCTION <br /> <br />FINE ASSOCIA:TES <br /> <br />PROPOSED <br />ORDINANCE <br />