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<br />Extract of Minutes of Meeting <br />of City Council <br />City of Roseville <br />Ramsey County, Minnesota <br /> <br />Held: August 25, 1980 <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting <br /> <br />of the City Council of the City of Roseville, Minnesota, was <br /> <br />duly held in the City Hall in said City on Monday, the 25th <br />day of August, 1980, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. <br /> <br />The following members were present: Mayor Demos and <br /> <br />Councilmen Franke, Kehr, Anderson and Curley; and the following <br /> <br />were absent: None <br /> <br />Also in attendance were: Steve North, Assistant City <br /> <br />Manager; Charles Honchell, City Public Works Director; Doug <br />Strong of the City Public Works Department; Dave Anderson of <br /> <br />Peterson, Bell and Converse, City attorneys; and Peter S. <br /> <br />Popovich of Peterson, Popovich, Knutson & Flynn, City Bond <br /> <br />Consultants. <br /> <br />Mr. North presented an affidavit showing publication <br /> <br />of Notice of Hearing on the proposed assessment for Improvement <br /> <br />M-79-l in the Roseville Sun on August 6, 1980, which <br /> <br />affidavit was examined, found satisfactory, and ordered placed <br /> <br />on file. Mr. North also exhibited a Certificate of Mailing Notice <br /> <br />of Hearing to all affected property owners. <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: This is for the oak wilt and Dutch elm <br />trees that were taken down last year. The owners were notified <br />they would have the option of either paying for the work ahead <br />of time or if they chose to have it go on their taxes through <br />the special assessment procedure. They were notified two or <br />three times prior to this to see if it was their desire to have <br />this put on the assessment roll for these 23 different property <br />owners. These are the ones that are left who wish to have it <br />spread on the rolls. <br />