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<br /> COUNCIL BILLS -(~- 10/13/80 <br />60041 Bergford Trucking Co. 9/22 $34.00 <br />60042 Twin City Wine Co. 9/22 413.21 <br />60043 Eagle Wine Co. 9/22 408.83 <br />60044 Intercontinental Packaging Co. 9/22 906.41 <br />60045 Griggs, Cooper & Co. , Inc. 9/22 1,142.36 <br />60046 Johnson Wine Co. 9/22 505.51 <br />60047 Ed. Phillips & Sons Co. 9/22 951.49 <br />60048 Northwestern Bell 9/22 3,217.04 <br />60049 City of Anoka 9/23 25.50 <br />60050 City of Anoka 9/25 8.50 <br />60051 Commissioner of Revenue 9/24 3,889.43 <br />60052 Artsign r1aterials Co. 9/24 38.32 <br />60053 Walter Jopke 9/24 1,000.00 <br />60054 Jack Schmidt 9/25 439.44 <br />60055 Floyd LeCuyer Sr. 9/25 439.44- <br />60056 Postmaster 9/26 30.00 <br />60057 City of Rosevi11e - Petty Cash - YSB 9/26 23.81 <br />60058 Griggs, Cooper anu Co. , Inc. 9/29 1,070.62 <br />600S9 Ed. Phillips and Sons Co. 9/29 952.62 <br />60060 Liquor !louse 9/29 727.38 <br />60061 Old Peoria Company, Inc. 9/29 682.83 <br />60062 Quality \Vine Co. 9/29 738.16 <br />60063 Consolidated Tours 9/29 3,342.00 <br />60064 Commissioner of Education 9/29 60.00 <br />6006S ~mPA 9/29 195.00 <br />60066 State of ~linnesota 9/29 36.00 <br />60067 API1A Game Company. Inc. 9/2~) 21.35 <br />60068 James F. Andre 9/30 225.00 <br />60069 City of I~osevi lIe - Payroll Account 9/30 66,959. S::; <br />60070 Irene Pappas 9/30 392.(}() <br />60071 lIohhell !louse 9/30 500.00 <br />nOO72 Linda Sidwell 9/30 40.00 <br />60073 Quality Wine Co. 9/30 282.35 <br />600 I'l VOID 9/30 <br />60075 Old Peoria Company, Inc. 9/:;0 :;1.17 <br />60076 Adult Extension 9/30 24.0'J <br />60077 BergforJ Trucking Co. ~)/30 23.60 <br />won Jolm Sullivan 9/30 31.40 <br />60079 :iort!l\,es tern Bell 9/30 496.37 <br />60080 City anJ County Employees CroJi t Union ~)/30 4,7()8.00 <br />60081 :linnesota Bene fi t 9/30 171.03 <br />(lOOB2 IGI^ Retirement Corporation 9/30 291 .6'7 <br />60083 North Star State Bank 9/30 16,839.33 <br />600R4 Commissioner of n,evenue 9/30 12,999.52 <br />600SS State Treasurer 9/ .)0 13,060.'J--l <br />60036 :'.lutua1 Bene fi t Life 10/1 2,260.::; <br />60087 liar )lar Mall 10/2 1,034.2: <br />600R8 nor~er Renstrom 10/2 75,1"1] <br />60089 Paul Syderenko 10/2 66.67 <br />