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<br />Regular Meeting of the City Council - December 28, 1981.
<br />
<br />The City Council met on the above date with the following members
<br />present: Johnson, Franke, Curley, and Demos. Absent: Kehr.
<br />
<br />A-I Curley Moved, Johnson Seconded, that the minutes of the meeting of
<br />December 14, 1981, be approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Johnson, Franke,
<br />Curley, and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />
<br />B-1 Franke Moved, Johnson Seconded, that Veronica Miller's request for
<br />final plat at 2778 Lakeview be continued until the January 25,
<br />1982 Council Meeting. Roll Call, Ayes: Johnson, Franke, Curley,
<br />and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />
<br />C-I Curley Moved, Johnson Seconded, that Judy Dressler and John
<br />Rukavina be appointed to the Roseville Planning Commission for
<br />4-year terms beginning April 1, 1982 and ending March 31, 1986;
<br />that Jackie Hays and Donald Zalk be appointed to the Roseville
<br />Human Rights Commission for 3-year terms beginning April 1, 1982
<br />and ending March 31, 1985; and that Don Merkel be appointed to
<br />the Roseville Parks and Recreation Board for a 3-year term
<br />beginning April 1, 1982 and ending March 31, 1985. Roll Call,
<br />Ayes: Johnson, Franke, Curley, and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />
<br />Franke Moved, Curley Seconded, that two vacancies will exist on
<br />the Parks and Recreation Board and one on the Human Rights
<br />Commission as of April 1, 1982, and that applications will be
<br />accepted until February 26, 1982 to fill the vacancies. Roll
<br />Call, Ayes: Johnson, Franke, Curley, and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />
<br />E-l Curley Moved, Franke Seconded, that Daryl Ruzicka's request for
<br />minor variance to side yard setback at 2913 Galtier be approved.
<br />Roll Call, Ayes: Johnson, Franke, Curley, and Demos. Nays:
<br />None.
<br />
<br />E-2 Franke Moved, Johnson Seconded, that Jack Raymond's request for
<br />minor variance to side yard setback at 1225 Shryer be approved.
<br />Roll Call, Ayes: Johnson, Franke, Curley, and Demos. Nays:
<br />None.
<br />
<br />E-3 Johnson Moved, Curley Seconded, that the pOlicy/procedural memo
<br />regarding Industrial Revenue Financing be amended to include a
<br />provision that applications for free-standing restaurants shall
<br />be considered only as a separate request, and not as part of the
<br />same application for another development. Roll Call, Ayes:
<br />Johnson, Curley, and Demos. Nays: Franke.
<br />
<br />7:30 p.m.
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