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<br />Roseville city council Minutes <br />May 8, 1995 <br /> <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />P. Johnson moved, Mastel seconded, that the subdivi- <br />sion agreement between the city of Roseville and <br />Harstad Homes, Inc. be approved, subject to document <br />review by the City Attorney, approval by the city <br />Manager, and signature by the Mayor. Roll Call, Ayes: <br />P. Johnson, Goedeke, Wiski, Mastel, and V. Johnson. <br />Nays: None. <br /> <br />SUBDIVISION <br />AGREEMENT <br /> <br />Mastel moved, Goedeke seconded, that the Mayor be <br />authorized to sign the final plat after completion of <br />the subdivision agreement document review by the City <br />Attorney and approval by the city Manager. Roll Call, <br />Ayes: P. Johnson, Goedeke, Wiski, Mastel, and V. <br />Johnson. Nays: None. <br /> <br />FINAL PLAT <br /> <br />G-4 wiski moved, Goedeke seconded, that a pedestrian ALDINE PLACE <br />connection that meanders and includes appropriate SIDEWALK <br />landscaping to discourage vehicular traffic be <br />constructed of a material consistent with neighborhood <br />input on the Aldine Place right-of-way. Curvature and <br />width are to be determined. Roll Call, Ayes: P. <br />Johnson, Goedeke, Wiski, Mastel, and V. Johnson. <br />Nays: None. <br /> <br />K. OTHER BUSINESS <br />K-l P. Johnson moved, Goedeke seconded, that Resolution RESOLUTION <br />9187, in support of Northwest Youth & Family services 9187 <br />request for CDBG funds, be adopted and a letter of <br />support sent to Ramsey County Commissioner Dick <br />Wedell. Roll Call, Ayes: P. Johnson, Goedeke, wiski, <br />Mastel, and V. Johnson. Nays: None. <br /> <br />K-2 Wiski moved, P. Johnson seconded, that the petition of MCCARRONS <br />property owners on McCarrons street, to review the APARTMENTS <br />land use and fencing issues at the McCarrons <br />Apartments which adjoin their properties on a steep <br />slope, be discussed at the regular City Council work <br />session on Monday, May 15, 1995. Roll Call, Ayes: P. <br />Johnson, Goedeke, Wiski, Mastel, and V. Johnson. <br />Nays: None. <br /> <br />L. ADJOURNMENT <br />L-l P. Johnson moved, Goedeke seconded, that the meeting ADJOURNMENT <br />be adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Roll Call, Ayes: P. <br />Johnson, Goedeke, Wiski, Mastel, and V. Johnson. Nays: <br />None. <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br /> <br />st~Manager <br />