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Goedeke, Klausing, Mastel and Kysylyczyn. Nays: none. <br />C-4Goedeke moved, Mastel seconded, approving an application for <br />Midway Speed <br />Midway Speed Skating Club request for a premises permit at <br />Skating Club <br />2525 Snelling Avenue North. Roll Call, Ayes: Maschka, <br />Premises Permit <br />Goedeke, Klausing, Mastel and Kysylyczyn. Nays: none. <br />C-5Goedeke moved, Mastel seconded, approving an application for <br />North Suburban <br />North Suburban Youth Association request for a premises permit <br />Youth Association <br />at 2525 Snelling Avenue North. Roll Call, Ayes: Maschka, <br />Premises Permit <br />Goedeke, Klausing, Mastel and Kysylyczyn. Nays: none. <br />C-6Goedeke moved, Mastel seconded, approving an application for <br />LadySlipper Chapter <br />LadySlipper Chapter of the ABWA request for a premises permit <br />Of the ABWA <br />at 2525 Snelling Avenue North. Roll Call, Ayes: Maschka, <br />Premises Permit <br />Goedeke, Klausing, Mastel and Kysylyczyn. Nays: none. <br />C-7Goedeke moved, Mastel seconded, that the following bills and <br />Approval of Bills <br />total amounts be approved: <br />10699-$723,201.53 <br />10820 <br />Roll Call, Ayes: Maschka, Goedeke, Klausing, Mastel and <br />Kysylyczyn. Nays: none. <br />D.Items Removed from Consent Agenda <br />E.Organizational Business <br />E-1Klausing moved, Goedeke seconded, to approve the <br />Appointment of <br />appointment of Richard Langseth to the Roseville resident <br />Roseville Resident to <br />vacancy on the Roseville Ethics Commission, term ending March <br />Ethics Commission <br />31, 2004. Roll Call, Ayes: Maschka, Goedeke, Klausing, Mastel <br />and Kysylyczyn. Nays: none. <br />F.Reports And Recommendations <br />F-1Mastel moved, Goedeke seconded, approval of a resolution <br />Resolution 9889A <br />prohibiting parking on the east and north side of a portion of <br />Prohibiting Parking <br />South Centre Pointe Drive, additionally, City staff will stripe the <br />Centre Pointe Dr & <br />road as soon as feasible after construction. Roll Call, Ayes: <br />Striping of Road <br />Maschka, Goedeke, Klausing, Mastel and Kysylyczyn. Nays: <br />none. <br />G.Recognitions & Announcements <br />H.Hearings <br />I.Land Use <br />I-1Goedeke moved, Maschka seconded, adopting a resolution <br />Resolution 9890 <br />approving the request by Midland Hills Country Club for a 270 <br />Variance <br />square foot variance from Section 1016.22A1 (Non-conformities) <br />Midland Hills <br />and an additional 320 square foot (590 square feet in total) <br />2001 Fulham Street <br />variance from Section 1016.17C1a (Permitted Water Oriented <br />(PF3308) <br />Accessory Structures), based on the comments in Section 3 and <br />the findings in Section 4 of the project report. Roll Call, Ayes: <br />Maschka, Goedeke, Klausing, Mastel and Kysylyczyn. Nays: <br />none. <br />Goedeke moved, Maschka seconded, to deny the request by <br />Midland Hills Country Club for a variance from Section 1010.02 <br />(Exterior Finish) based on the findings in Section 4 of this project <br />report. Roll Call, Ayes: Maschka, Goedeke, Klausing, Mastel and <br />Kysylyczyn. Nays: none. <br /> <br />