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City Council Ordinances
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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:03:52 AM
Creation date
4/22/2005 12:50:17 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Ordinances
Ordinance #
Ordinance Title
An ordinance providing for civil defense and for protection and promotion of public safety, health, and welfare in the Village of Roseville, Minnesota during Civil Defense Emergencies
Ordinance Date Passed
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<br />265 <br /> <br />SECION 3, Establishment of Civil Defense Agency <br /> <br />SUBDIVISION 1. There is hereby c.eated with the Village government a <br />Civil Defense agency, '. which shall be under the supervision and control <br />of a director of Civil Defense hereinafter called the director. The <br />director shall be appointed by the Mapor for an indefinite term and <br />may be removed by him at any time. He shall serve without salary, but <br />shall be paid his necessary expenses. The director shall have direct <br />responsibility for the organization, administration, and operation of the <br />Civil Defense ageney, subject to the direction and control of the mayor. <br />The civil Defense agency shall be organized into such divisions and <br />bureaus, consistent with the state and local Civil Defense plans, as the <br />director deems necess~ry to provide for this efficient performance of <br />local Civil Defense functions during a Civil Defense emergency. <br /> <br />SUBDIVISION 2. There is hereby created with the Civil Defense agency a <br />Civ'l Defense advisory committee, hereinafter called the "committee." <br />Members of the committee shall be appointed by the na;yor to represent. <br />Village departments and other groups concerned with civil Defense. The <br />Mayor shall be chairman and the director Shall be secretary of the coIllIllir <br />ittee. The committee shall advise the director and the Village Council <br />on all matters pertaining to Civil Defense. Each member shall serve <br />without compensation and shall hold office at the pleasere of the Mayor. <br /> <br />SECTION 4. Powers and Duties of the' Director. <br /> <br />SUBDIVISION 1. The director, with the consent of the mayor, shall repre- <br />sent the village on any regional or state organization for Civil Defense. <br />He shall develop proposed mutual aid agreements with other political <br />subdivisions within or outside the state for reciprocal Civil Defense Aid <br />and assistance in a Civil Defense emergency too great to be dealt with <br />unassisted and he shall presnet. such agreements to the council for its <br />action. Such arrangements shall be consistent with the state Civil <br />Defense plan and during a Civil Defense emergency, it shall be the duty <br />of the Civil Defense agency and Civil Defense forces to render assis- <br />tance in accordance with the provisions of such mutual' aid 'arrangementli5 <br />Any mutual aid arrangements with a political subdivis:hon of another state <br />shall be subject to the approval of the governor. <br /> <br />~ <br />SUBDIVISION 2. The director shall make such studies and surveys of the <br />manpower industries, resources, and facilities of the village as he deems <br />ne.essary to determine their adequac~ for Civil Defense and to plan for <br />their most efficient use in time of a Civil Defense.eme1?genc y. <br /> <br />SUBDIVISION 3. The director shall prepare a comprehensive gBneral <br />plan for the Civil Defense of the Village and shall presBllt such plana <br />to the council for approval. When the council has approved the plan by <br />resolution, it shall be the duty of all municipal agencies and all Civil <br />Defense forces of the village to perform the duties and functions assigned <br />by the plan as approved. The plan may be modified in like inanner from . <br />time to time. The director shall coordinate the Civil Defense activities <br />of the Village to the end that they shall be consistent and fully inte- <br />grated with the Civil Defense plan of the federal government and the <br />state and correlated with .he Civil Defense plans of ether political <br />subdivisions within the state. <br /> <br />SUBDIVISION 4. In ~cordance with the state and village Civil Defense <br />
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