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<br />26 ,~ <br />",;1 <br /> <br />available for public inspection during business hours. Notice of the existence of <br />such regulation and its availability for inspection at the clerk's office sBall <br />be conspicuously posted at the front of the village hall or other headquarters of the <br />village and at such other places in the affected area as the mayor shall designate <br />in the proclamation. Thereupon the regulation shall take effect immediately or <br />at such later time as may be specified in the proclamation. By like proclamation <br />the mayor may madify or rescind any such regulation. <br /> <br />SUBDIVISION 3. The village council may rescind any such regulation by resolution <br />at any time. If not sooner rescinded, every such regulation shall expire at the <br />end of 30 days after its effective date or at the end of the Civil Defense emergency <br />to which it relates, whichever occurs first. Any ordinance, rule or regulation <br />promulgated by the mayor shall be suspended during the period of tine and to the <br />extent that such conflict exists. <br /> <br />Section 7 ' Civil Defense Agency Procedure. <br /> <br />SUBDIVISION 1. There is hereby established in the village treasury a special fund <br />to be lmown as the Civil Defense Fund. Into this fund shall be placed the proceeds <br />of taxes levied for Civil Defense, money tr~sferred fromTother fums, ~ifts and <br />other revenues of the Civil Defense agency. From it shall be made expenditures for <br />the operation and maintenance of the Civil Defense agency and other expenditures <br />for Civil Defense. Regular accounting, disbursement, purChasing, budgeting and <br />other financial procedures of the city shall apply to the Civil Defense fund insofar <br />as practicable; but budgeting requirements and other lfinancial procedures shall not <br />apply to expenditures from the :fund during 1954 or in any ease when their application <br />will prevent compliance with terms and conditian. of a federal or state grant of money <br />or property for Civil Defense purposes. <br /> <br />SUBDIVISION 2. The director shall, as soon as possible after the end of eaoh fiscal <br />year, prepare and present to the village council for the information of the council <br />and the public, a comprehensive report of the activities of the Civil Defense agency <br />during the year. <br /> <br />Section 8, Bonformity and cooperation with Federal and State Authority <br /> <br />Every. officer and agency of the village shall cooperate with federal and state <br />authorities and with authorized agencies engaged in Civil Defense and emergency measures <br />to the fullest possible extent consistent with the performance of their other duties. <br />The provisions of this ordinance and of all regulations made thereunder shall be subject <br />to all applicable and controlling prOvisions of federal and state laws and of reg- <br />ulagtmons and orders issued thereunder and shall be deemed to be suspended and inop- <br />erative so far as there is any conflict therewith. The village council (mayor) (chief <br />of police) may appoint any qualified person holding a position in any agency created <br />under federal or state authority for Civil Defense purposes as a spedial policeman <br />,/ of the village, with such police powers and duties within the village indident to <br />the functions of his position, not exceeding those of a regular policeman of the <br />village, as may be prescribed in the JlPpointment. Every such special policeman <br />shall be subject to the supervision and control of the chief of police and such other <br />police officers of the village as the chief may designate. <br /> <br />Section 9 , Civil Defense a Governmental Function <br /> <br />All functions hereunder and all other activities relating to Civil Defense are <br />hereby declared to be governmental functions. The village, and, exeept in cases of <br />wiUul misconduct, its officers, agents, employees, or representatives engaged in any <br />Civil Defense activities, while complying with or attempting to comply with the <br />