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<br />810 <br /> <br />(lIEIT)INANCE NO.___ 206 _ <br /> <br />AN URD i;\jANCE AI'lENTJING ORDINANCE NO.149( ENTITLED "AN ORDHTPJ!CE 1"0::1. THE <br />pnRPOSF, or FROI~OTING THE PUBI,IC HEAI,TH, 8~.FETY,ORDER, CUf-J!~ERCE, <br />FROP2:RTY AND GEN~HPL ~;JELFAR.E BY PROVIDING FOR THE CLASSIFICATION <br />REGUIJA"'JON AND RESTRICTImr OF TRt.JJES t.,ND HIDTJSTRIES _I\.ND OF <br />BUIT,DING.S USED FOR HUfvLA.\1 HARIT,~TION AND FOR. SPECTFTS!' PURFOSES <br />REGUIJ^'T'ING AWl DF,TER.UNING '1'1:i13 NINUHTh SIZE OF YARDI1I{E~AS, ESTAB-.. <br />IJISHTNG 'Tim BRE^;r T)O~TN OF DTS'J'HICT.S FOR SAID PUHFOSES: AND PROVID- <br />ING FSNAL'1:'LB:S FOR VIULATIuiT T:ER.~t;OF" <br /> <br />The Village Council of l1.oseville ordeins as follows; <br /> <br />3SCTION <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />That UrdinC\nce No. 149 entitled "An Ordinance for the Furpose of <br />Promoting. the Public Health, Safety, Order, Commerce, Property and <br />General '"Jelfare byFrovidinr:; for the ""hssification, Regulation'ancl <br />R.esb"ict.ion of 'T'rades ann Industries and of Buildings used for Human <br />Habitati()D and for Specified purposes, Eegulatjng and Detennining the <br />Hinumum 0ize of Yard Areas, Establishing the Breakdown of l.iistricts for <br />said Purposes, and F'rovidins Fenalties for Violation thereof,1I is <br />hereby amended 98 follov.1S: <br />By striking Sect.ion 10 thereof t.he followingll <br />If For every building hereafter erected,or struct1lrally- al tered1}l there <br />shRll be provided a front yard of not less than thirty (30) feet in <br />depth, and a side yard on each side of the building of not less than <br />five (5) feet in width provided that where a building is to be b1.1ilt <br />so as to front upon a street other thaN the 8treet upon which t.he lot <br />fronts, tr1e villave cOlillcil may grant permission for such construction <br />contr8rv to the provisions of this paragraph.. If at the time this ord- <br />inance becomes effect.ive existing ho 'ses on fifty percent (50%) or more <br />of tbe frontage of an~r hlockshave a oredomina.nt front yard difflS:rent from <br />that herein specified, all bnildings hereafter erected shall conform <br />to t.his predominant front ya:rd depth, p""ovirlerl this reg111ation shall not <br />be interpreted so as to require a front Y"1rd of more than forty (40) feet <br />in depth. II <br />In cases only Where there is no setback line. <br />For every build'ng erected, or structurally altered, there <br />shell be provided a front yard of not less than thirty (30) feet ~~n rlepth, <br />and a side yard on e8ch side of the building of not lesf; thC'n five (5) <br />feet in width, provider! that where f:'l building is to he b1lilt so as to <br />front upon a street. other than the st.reet upon whlich the lot fronts, <br />the village co'mcil may grant permission for such construction contrary <br />to the provjsions of this par2.grapb. If at the gime this ordinance <br />becomes effective, exj stinG ho',-ses on fifty percent (50/b) or more of the <br />frontage of any block hevp 2 predominant front yard djfferent from that <br />here in sLecified, all bllilcUng herpafter erected Sh2Jl conform to this <br />predornin.'3.nt frontyar.d depth, provided this regulation sh2ll not be <br />interpreted SC", as to reqnirea front 3rard of more than forty (40) feet. <br />in depth. Any building hereafter erected or altereci upon any lot, the <br />side of\.-Jhich lot is adjacent to a street, shall havc~ a side yard of not, <br />less than Uftee,n (15) feet from the boundary line of saj_d str;::et, if He <br />building fronts /in the direction that the Jot fronts, provided th2.t if <br />previol~s constr11ction has est2blished a predominant setback of 3_ rliffereent <br /> <br />'"Y"".-"7 <br />