<br />OR.DI"";'CE NO. 224
<br />
<br />"On
<br />~_.J66
<br />
<br />rN OTtf;IN/\I~CE ~YR.OV1DIT\}G7JR Ti',]S tTCG:'J(~I~'JC OF T.T~~!1POT..\S:
<br />Ijp,C:7rnTT-IG TT:::I~S t"f'O BE fAID Ti'eR LT('~i=I-T3E TO Ct.Ji.E'T : TEf\,}Cr\!~,;.
<br />~F~1U\IIDli\TG j\ FEP;"T:TY :-'\)f1. r:' \,IIC~\~.j;.:~ICTJ T::;En,~~,nF.
<br />
<br />The Vi]l"s;e C01JDcil of Hoseville, l-I1n"1e"otl',does crdain:
<br />
<br />Section 1. DEFINITIONS: A. Danp:ero1ls vJeapOD. As USCG !~erein rl'ngerous
<br />'{eapon inc1nce,s an! object, t.)~in[~ or 0evjce manufo.cblreci, ccr;:;tructec1, or
<br />sh'>rx;c1, tte '1S8 of ',rhi.ch 2~; a 1r"Te:'Pon p['iinst nntnral re:rSODS "wnlo or m8Y
<br />be d8ngerous to the life or 's'j c"l Hell-being and s',.='ety of "'my such l-",;rsoD,
<br />i,..,,,l ,,4irc;:, but nuty 1'J:'~' cf' l'-mitation, emy pistol, reolver, c1r!f'Jer, slurH':
<br />shot, knuckles O"'.TOWJ, metal or 2't.:\C, j-'()1"j8 knife, razor, switchbl;:;rle
<br />knife or sti.le:~ [,0.
<br />
<br />Secti.on 2. lP'TT.iA'.'TF~J ~C' C;J,:~J~T CX','TCE.tTJ-;'T; ~rsl\F(r..r.~. It Sh.~:.l~1. 1-~<_) unl:;~!fl.ll for
<br />,.my r:erson to carry or 'Tear, concealed, either cn 1--,i8 pers0n or in 1-,is !ilCjtor
<br />"8hic J.'3, any upl j 8enserJ rl'Jngerous we "pon.
<br />
<br />Section 3. CU\l['T':;C,"'T(i}IJ '!)1',rrJI!~. Any d2n(~erOus ':TP8pon or 'rr8::Jpons, duly
<br />8dj11ds:ed hy the fIunicip"l Co.]rt C)!""'Jlf' Vil "re of Roslnille to "J;-VC :Jeen "tTOrn
<br />nl~ c"~ried by ,'my person it:. 'Jio18tion of Sectio!1 2 of Vis (Irr15n8nce, sh,,11
<br />')8 confisc2terl by the Chief of ~Cilir;:' '''cd sud- TrTcopsns sh21l be disposed of
<br />in the m?mer provided b.;T SectiGll 13, Orrlinance No. 13fS , ViI C g[';e of Rosevi l1e.
<br />
<br />Section )-i. FE CE CFFIC)-i~R.s i,l,!'" fERSONS I,ICEI\LSED TL{!Y C',qRY '/'E,~row,. The
<br />provlslons of ~lis ordin8nce shn'l not Hp~ly to ~ny peace officers o~ other
<br />persons ,.'hose c1uty, 9S r:rcscrined by 19,-T, nwy be -':D serve 1J'lrrants or Tn::' 1.e
<br />~rrest~. The rrovisions G~ tis orJinpnce sh::,ll not apply to rer~sns whose
<br />tm c,jJlf",SS rw Occup2tion nay r'?"']11jre the c2rryin~ of ,'C;?fCJi1S for proter'tion
<br />?,w1 'Tho h2.';a- obtained a license so t() do 2.S herein8fter T)rov:i.rlec1.
<br />
<br />C,f;ction 5. 1ICr:'!SE, P":ES ' 'TJ'"'NER CL;' ISSi1E. The S~lier of Police of this
<br />Villa.2'e may gr;:-mt to ::mch per30l'S as he 'cay think "roper, ;i~(}2Y'0 of geor'!
<br />ch3r8cter ..,nr1 ',Those business nr occupation rl3Y reqlire the c:orryini' of H82Ijons
<br />f~r prote:~~i~n, license to c2rry ccnce'l~d.T!Te"Tnon~ ;:1nd m:cy revoke a:c~r such
<br />llcense ~)G lr,;: sllre.;.\' ::l rE~rson ;)eS~_r1J'1i3 :} llcnese herel1Drler 311211 rr;\.ke
<br />applic"'tion ther8fcr to the Chief ')f Po1:i.ce of this 'Jil1ae;e .!J"ny such appli-
<br />cation s}1811 be 8.ccorT!,."nied hy 2. license fee in the amount of ";)2.00, \.Jl~:~\l
<br />sum s}y,ll be pDid to Gener,-l Fund of tl,is vi11"[';e upon iSS1J,".nce ()f any licpnse
<br />hereunder. Every license sh2ll he sir/led by the Vil1;;;ge Clerk "no the Chief
<br />of Police sh:>11 st:'te the hame, <lE'e ::Jnd ~6dress OfU18 ."'t}Jplic0Ylt and sh811
<br />cont.sin 3n ?cc,'r~te cJcscription bf the licensed TrTeapon. All Licenses issued
<br />hereunder shall 8Yf'1,re on the 31st day o:f December of' e~'l'h ",'~r.
<br />
<br />Section 6. PF,lt,LTY Any person viol.'1tine: any of the provisions of this
<br />ornin2nce shall, llpon conviction thereof, be punished by 2 fine of not to
<br />exceed One HllYlrJred (:~IOO.OO) Dollprs or by impriLsonment for a term not
<br />exceedin~3 niY'c ty (90) .
<br />
<br />Sertion 7. S~~'J'SP,^L PFC'ISJ',lNS. If 2n-;/ section, s'JllSection, sentence, Cla'lse
<br />or phY"'se ::,f t1']is orc1:iYl2nCe 1_s -~O" any reason held to be ir'J8lid, 3'.1ch decision
<br />ri],-,,211 not ",ffeet the vI,l irlt,y of t.l.:e rempininf lortions of this ord:\n;)i!ce.
<br />
<br />SectionR .~~Ti'H'EC'T'T\JE D.^TE. This ;orr)j Yl'}Y'C8 sh ~ Jl t;1 k8 effect ;)no be in force
<br />from:md after its [2SfJage 2)'yl rnblic stion..
<br />
<br />tdonteo by thn Vill;,ge CO'mcil~h1s 28th D,.W ~C~1956. ~
<br />