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<br />ORDINANCE NO. 280 <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE .AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 216, AS AMENDED <br />BY ORDINANCE NO. 220, AND AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE <br />NO.245, BEING AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS <br />FOR THE SUBDIVISION AND PLATTING OF lAND 'WITHIN THE <br />VILLAGE OF ROSEVILLE, DEFINING CERTAIN TERMS USED <br />THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR THE PREPARATION OF PLATS; <br />PROVIDING FOR THE INST.ALIATION OF UTILITIES, STREETS <br />AND OTHER ESSENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS; PROVIDING FOR THE <br />DEDICATION OF CERTAIN LAND FOR PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS; <br />EST.Al3LISHING PROCEDURES FOR THE APPROVAL AND RECORDING <br />OF PLATS; PROVIDING FOR THE IMPOSING OF PLAT APPROVAL <br />FEES AND RECORDING FEES AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR <br />VIOLATION THEREOF, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 189, <br />ADOPTED APRIL 29, 1954. <br /> <br />The VUlage CoUBcll ot RoseYille does ordain: <br /> <br />SECTION I. <br /> <br />That Section 8 ot Ordinance No. 216, as amended by" Ordinance No. 220, <br />as amended by' Ordinance No. 245, being an Ordinance EstablishiJlg Regulations <br />For tne Subdivision ud Platting of Land within the Village of Roseville, <br />Defining Certain Terms Used Therein; Providing for the Preparation of Plats; <br />Providing for the Installation of Utilities, Streets and other Essential <br />Improvements; Providing tor the Dedication of Certain lend for Parks and <br />Playgrounds; Establishing Procedures tor the .Approval and Recording of <br />Plats; Bronding for the Imposing of Plat Approval Fees and Recording Fees <br />and Providing Penalties f~ Violation Thereof', and Repealing Ordinance No. <br />189, Adopted. April 29, 1954, 'be further amended to read as followsl <br />ACCEPTANCE OF STREETS <br />"Section 8. / If' 8D'3" plat or subdivision contains public street. or <br />thoroughf'ar.. whioh are therein dedicated as such, whether located within the <br />corporate li1llits of the Village ot Rosevil1e or outside thereof', or contains <br />existing streets outside of said corporate limits, the approval of the plat <br />by the Village Councilor the subsequent annexation of' the propert.7 to the <br />Village, shall not CODlllti tute an acceptance by the Village .t such streets <br />or thoroughfares, !lOr of the improvements constructed or installed thereon or <br />therea, irrespective of' ~ act or acts by an officer, agent or ...plo, of <br />the Village with respect to such streets or improvements. The acoeptance ot <br />such streets or thoroughfares shall be onlY' by the adoption of a resolution <br />bjr the Village Council ~er there has been tUed v.1th the Village Clerk a <br />certificate by the Village EDgineer certifying that all improvements required <br />to be constructed. or installed in or upon such streets or thoroughfares in <br />connection with the approval 01' the plat of subdivision by the Village CoUBeil, <br />have been tully' completed and approved. by him, or a cash deposit or bond is on <br />file to insure the installation of such required improvements; provided, however, <br />that if' it appears to the Village Council that a public local improvement will <br />be oonstructed in any such street ~ thoroughfare within a reasonable foreseeable <br />