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<br />Exhibi t 1#3 <br /> <br />Rezoning from R-l to B-2 <br /> <br />Lots 1 thru 12, Lots 26 thru 30, that part of Lot 13 and 25 Block 8 Rice St <br />Gr.andlV'iew Addi. tion, Ramsey County, Minn. lying Easter:!Jr of below des~ribed 1i~e C <br />the adjoining vacated alleys in said Block 8, and the adjoining vacated Bismarck <br />Ave. and Albermar1e St. lying Easterly of below described line C. Lots 1 thru 13, <br />Lots uo thru u8, and that part of Lot 14 and Lots 35 thru 39, Block 1 Joy's Rice <br />St. Addition, Ramsey County, Minn. lying Northerly and Easterly of 1i~e C. <br />To be replatted Lot 1, Block u, Hi11sborough. <br /> <br />Line A: Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of Western Ave. and <br />Grandview Ave. being 330.55'Southerly of the center of Sec 12, T 29W,R 23~, <br />Ramsey County, Minnesota, thence East along the centerline of Grandview Ave. <br />a distance of 510 feet to the point of a curve, thence NE'ly along a curve with <br />a radius of 428.31 feet (A=26017' to the left) for an arc distance of 196.48 feet <br />to end of curve, thence N 63043'E) 93.u6 feet to point of curve, thence Easterly <br />along a curve with a radius of 42~.31 feet (A=26017 , to the rir,ht) for an arc <br />distance of 196.48 feet to end of curve, thence East 60 feet to point of curvel <br />thence SE'ly along a curve with a radius of 363.87 feet (A=300uu' to the right) <br />for an arc distance of 195.18 feet to end of curve, thence S 5~16'E,.54.35 feet to <br />point of curve, thence Easterly along a curve with a radius of 363.87 feet <br />(A=30ot.4' to the left) for an arc distance of 195.18 feet to end of curve on the <br />centerline of Grandview Ave. and there terminating. <br /> <br />· Line B: Beginning at a point on the centerline of County Road B-2 distant ,1002.86 <br />feet East of the center of Section 12, T 29N, R 23 W,Ramsey County, Minnesota, be- <br />ing 60 feet West of the West line of Lot 29, Block 3, Rice St. Gi'and'V'iew Addition <br />extended North, thence South parallel to the West line of said Lot 29 a distance or <br />200 feet to a point on line A and there terminating. <br /> <br />Line C: Beginning at a point on the East line of Section 12, T 29 N, R 23 W, <br />Ramsey County, Minnesota distant 1036.0 feet South of the East Quarter Corner <br />of said Section 12, thence West at right angles a distance of 133 feet to point of <br />curve, thence ~1~~ along a curve with a radius of 180 feet (A.9~ to the right) <br />for an arc length of 282.74 feet to a point of reverse curvature, thence NW'ly <br />along a curve witha radius of 391.17 feet (A~23007' to the left) for an arc length <br />of 157.82 feet to end of curve, thence,N 23007' W,31.56 feet to point of curve, <br />thence Northerly along a curve with a radius of 537.86 feet (A=23007' to the right) <br />for an arc length of 217.01 feet to end of curve, thence North 100 feet to a point <br />on the South line of Grandview Ave. and there terminating. <br /> <br />'Line D: Beginning at a point on the centerline of Marion St. distant 240 feet South <br />'of the centerline of Bismarck Ave., thence East 210 feet parallel to Bismarck Ave" <br />thence South 130 feet parallel to Marion St., thence East 240 feet parallel to <br />Bismarck Ave., thence NE'ly' by a deflection angle of the left a distance of <br />22, teet, more or les8, .to line C and there tenninating. <br /> <br />; . <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />.., <br />, <br /> <br />'( , <br /> <br />'.,. <br /> <br />, <br />