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<br />1. <br /> <br />That ordinances, as amended pursuant to Sections 16.010, <br /> <br />16.020, 16.030 and 16.040, the Zoning Code and Zoning Map thereof, <br /> <br />be further amended as follows: <br /> <br />The East 575 feet of the SE 1/4 of Section 4, <br />T. 29 R 23, Ramsey County, Minn., except <br />the North 848.46 feet thereof, except the <br />West 80 feet thereof, and except that part <br />thereof, lying Easterly and Southerly of the <br />below described line, taken for State Highway <br />No. 51. <br /> <br />Subject to easements of record. <br /> <br />Highway taking line: From a point on the <br />East line of said Section 4, distant 330 <br />feet South of the East Quarter corner there- <br />of, run Westerly at right angles from said <br />Ea st Section line for 150 feet to a pOint of <br />beginning of Line 1 to be described; thence <br />run southerly parallel with said East Section <br />line 700 feet; thence run Southerly to a point <br />190 feet Westerly (measured at right angles) <br />of a point on said ea st section line, distant <br />1410 feet South of the Ea st Quarter corner <br />thereof; thence run Southerly to a point <br />distant 290 feet Westerly (measured at right <br />angles) at a point on s aid East Section line, <br />distant 1680 feet South of the East Quarter <br />corner thereof; thence run Southwesterly to <br />a point on a In run parallel with and distant <br />575 feet West of the East line of said Section <br />4; distant 2060 feet South of its intersection <br />with the East and West quarter line of said <br />Section 4; thence run South on said 575 foot <br />parallel line for 500 feet and there terminating. <br /> <br />be, and hereby is, rezoned from 1-1 to B-3, and that Ue Zoning <br /> <br />Maps be amended so that said property is classified and zoned <br /> <br />as B-3. <br />