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<br />VlIBREAU since that eLate a nurilber oi' parcels of' p:copcrty contained "w'i thj_l1 <br /> <br />as,:;eG~3mcnt roll as mr.ended have been divided ami conveyed by previous l)rOIJerty 0'""11- <br /> <br />e:cs Hind <br /> <br />\'Jm~Hl.;p,s, the County Auditor of' Rarnsey County requires that apportionment <br /> <br />of the original assessment against each original tract vlhere it has later oeen di- <br /> <br />vided, ,}old or conveyed,bc Jl"ade by the Village Council of' the Village of Hoseville <br /> <br />in oycLer that the proper assessment can be extended by the County Auditor against <br /> <br />each parcel of I)roperty thereafter, commencing with an assessment to be colleeted <br /> <br />in the:: year 1961~ and thereafter, <br /> <br />NOI'l, THE:JI8FOHE, the Village Council of the Village of Roseville does <br /> <br />hereby malce the follovling apportionment of original assessments as contained in <br /> <br />said assess;nent roll of Oct.8, 1963 against the following described properties: <br /> <br />OHIGINAL ASSlI,lSi3J.:IENT <br /> <br />(.;\) Zimnerman Office ParK <br />Lot l, Block 1 <br /> <br />;',)2,71+6.12 <br /> <br />(see page 1) <br /> <br />lli~A1?FO HTIOm'18NT <br /> <br />(1) \oj 250 :.:'t of Lot 1 blk 2 & \'1 250ft <br />of part of' lot 1, blk 1 lying ;3 of <br />a line L~60 ft N from & par "I'Ti th S <br />line of sd lot 1 blk 2. /uso, vac <br />Hose I,lall bet sd parts of blks 1 & <br />2 <br /> <br />:,)1,01;.3.53 <br /> <br />(2) E:: \1 250 ft; lot 1 bLl-t 2 & ex i.j 250 ft <br />of part lying S of a line 460 ft N from <br />& par with ;3 line of scl lot 1 olk 2; lot 1 <br />bll: 1. Also, vac Rose Mall bet sd part of <br />lots in blks 2 & 1. <br /> <br />:;)1,702.59 <br />