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<br />62-2 <br />64-L. <br />64.., <br />64-6 <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the County .4.udi tor of Ramsey County requires that apportionment of <br /> <br />the original assessment against each origL~al tract where it has later been divided, <br /> <br />so ld or conveyed, be made by the Village Council of the \Tillage of Rosevil1e in order <br /> <br />that the proper assessment can be extended by the County Audi tor against each parcel <br /> <br />of property thereafter, cOI:'lmencing with an assessment to '!:;e co11ected in the year <br />1965 and thereafter., <br /> <br />NO':J, THEHEFORE, the Vi11:lge Council of the 1!ilJ.n,gf'. of RosevHle does hereby <br /> <br />make the following apportionment of original assessment as contained in said <br /> <br />assessment roll of Oct. l2j 196h <br /> <br />against the following described properties: <br /> <br />DIVISION NO. 34120 <br /> <br />ORIGINAL ABSESSMEn' <br />(see page 1(15) <br /> <br />latera.l <br />tront <br /> <br />Service <br />conn <br /> <br />i'otal <br /> <br />(A) 79-4420-040-11 <br />lake Johanna. lfomes <br />Subj to & ex E 206.9 tt <br />ot S ll1 ft; the S 2/3 ot <br />lot II <br /> <br />93.7 <br /> <br />75.00 <br /> <br />$520.08 <br /> <br />REAPPOR'fIONMENT <br /> <br />(1) 19-4420-050-11 <br />Lake Johanna. HOmes <br />Ex E 206.9 tt; the S 2/3 ot <br />lot 11 <br /> <br />NONE <br /> <br />(2) 19-4420-060-11 <br />Lake Johanna :B'omes <br />Subj to Ave & ex S 117 tt; the <br />E 206.9 tt ot S 2/3 ot <br />lot II <br /> <br />93.7 <br /> <br />75.00 <br /> <br />$520.08 <br />