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<br />.Q~T.!OJLl.GIl~ I M'~ T <br /> <br />,-/ <br />THIS AGlEEMENT # made and ent....d 1.8to thb 2.1:.- day at <br /> <br />o.celllber, 1 t 14, by ud between the Vlllave of Ro..vUl., Minn..eta. <br /> <br />e mwUaipd corporatton. he,.wfter referred to .. tlw VlUaq8. And tat <br /> <br />Colonial t\ll'JYture Company. e Minna.cta oorporaUon h....1Mtttlf <br /> <br />referred. to .. the Company, <br /> <br />W ITNES8El.'H: <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br />The VUleve, In conaid41ration of tn. aum of One Tbou..nd, Flw <br /> <br />fhmdred Da11lsra ($1,500.00) OA tM. day 1M14 by the Company w tn. <br /> <br />V1U.aoe, the re04Upt wh....of 1. hweby IlcknowJed(led, hereby i;l'8ftta vnto <br /> <br />t.n_ Company the .xc1u.S'M rl9bt, at ita option. for" pedod of 'My (60) <br /> <br />day. beolan1no with thell,. day of Dec:.elllber, 196.. tcpurcma.1t at and <br /> <br />for the price Qf OM H\lftI'Jred Fifty Tnou..nd Dollar. ($lSD, 0013.00), <br /> <br />peyeble in the 1Mnnet' and et the Ume h....1Mfter fH'OV1ded, the foUowiag <br /> <br />de,,"'U_4 ,..1 property, .1t\Wlte in tM County of RaJG'oy and State of <br /> <br />MJ.nftetota. to..wtt: <br /> <br />The North Two l!l.lJ\dred f1fty-two 'Mt (N .252') of ta- <br />&e.t rive HIJ.n~d rut (E. SOO') of the $ovthe.,t ?uarter <br />(8.i.1/4) of a.QUon Four (4), Towalb.lp Twenty-n.iM (29), <br />bn;e Twenty-three (23), .ubject tl,." pu.bUo roads end <br />ea..menta of rec(..rd. <br /> <br />u. <br /> <br />In tile evellt tho Comp<<ny elect. to;- puroU'. Mid pr'eoli..., jt <br /> <br />ona11 d9n1fy .\lCh elec:t1oa w1tJUIl .bdy (10) .y. .fter o.ce.w.r 21, 19'''. <br /> <br />by ~llverll\q to the office of the Ro.eviU. Vllwo. MIl1'l8.Qer at 2701 <br /> <br />Lex1notoR A.,.nue North, RoanUla, Minn..ota, a written .tat.ant <br /> <br />"'-.... - ....1:11' ~ _.~ ----L ~.... ___ _6 .-..._.... _1_......__ .a._A.... .~.. ..4..a .........'" lIlIW"W.f~ <br />