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<br />Statutes, Chapter 429, as amended, the Council held a public <br />hearing pursuant to published notice, on proposed Storm <br />Sewer Improvement pxoject 65-7 consisting of the proposed <br />construction of approximately 24,000 feet of storm sewer <br />ranging fram lateral storm sewers through large outlet trunk <br />storm sewers. The surface run off and storm drainage waters <br />from that area of Roseville lying west of Lexington Avenue <br />between the Northern Pacific tracks and Skillman Avenue and <br />lying generally east of Pascal Avenue, north of trunk Highway <br />36 and east of Hamline Avenue, south of Trunk Highway 36, will <br />be collected and discharged into Willow Pond lying along the <br />north side of County Road B-2 immediately north of Ramsey High <br />School. From this point the overflow waters from Willow Pond <br />will then be conveyed to Bennett Lake lying east of Lexington <br />Avenue and north of Brooks Avenue and south of County Road C, <br />at a cost estimated presently to be approximately $596,900, <br />all substantially in accordance with a preliminary engineering <br />report which is now on file in the office of the Village Clerk, <br />and having considered the views of all interested persons <br />and being fully advised in the premises, the Council does <br />hereby determine and order that said improvement sahli be. <br />constructed and financed, and special assessments shall be <br />levied therefor, pursuant to said Minnesota Statutes, <br />Chapter 429, as amended, and that the area proposed to be <br />assessed for said improvement will consist of the property <br />as described in the notice of hearing, or portion thereof7 <br />and that Banister Engineering Company is hereby directed to <br />prepare and sUbmit to the Council final plans and specifica- <br />tions for the construction of said improvement. <br /> <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution <br /> <br />was duly seconded by Member Grauel <br /> <br />, and upon roll call <br /> <br />vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: <br /> <br />Mayor Cedarholm, Trustees Curley, Goddrich, Grauel and Shields <br /> <br />2 <br />