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<br />" <br /> <br />STATE OF HINNEE30'l'A ) <br />)ss <br />CUlHl'l'Y UF HM1SEY ) <br /> <br />I, Adeline Bohlman, Deputy Village Clerk of the Village of <br /> <br />Roseville, do hereby certify that I have compared the attached copy of resolution <br /> <br />of the Village ot' Hosevllle '\ri th the original thereof and that said cop:r is <br /> <br />a true arld correct copy thereof. <br /> <br />I further eertHy that I am the duly qualified and acting Deputy <br /> <br />Clerk for the Village of Roseville, Ramsy COlmty, I1innesota. <br /> <br />In WIT'NES,'; \,mEHEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the <br /> <br />Village of Hoseville, this 21st day of Hay, 1957. <br /> <br />t:? dr--L~ ,c..'~/ L:L,-~~ r~a-<-,----- <br />Adeline Bohlman, Deputy Village Clerk <br /> <br />(SEAL) <br />