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<br />~ .... <br /> <br />~ es.o)u.tioV\ .:#= /.21, <br />AJ.f~e.), N\..y "'. 11.7 <br /> <br />filSOLYTIOI <br /> <br />WHERIlS, the Village of :Aollev1l1e has heretofore apprO'Yed and <br />adoptea a plan for the construction, ma1J1tenancI and operation of a <br />uni tary sewer syatem, and t <br /> <br />WHnEAS, the C01lDoU of the Villagl ot Ros.....111. has, by proper <br />proae.dingR, determined the need for the ahaaging of certain locations <br />of sewers to be installed, _intahld aDd operated w1 thin the plan ac1opt.d, <br /> <br />NOW, THERF.FORP:, BE IT REBOLVro, that the VUlage of Roseville <br />needs to aoquire a perpetual easement tor the oon.truoUol'l, ma.1ht.nan04t <br />and operation ot a sanitary sewer, together with inSr8.1 sad egress oyer <br />and through the tollowina described lsn.d in RBJlSey County, Minnesota, <br />under i t8 powers of eminent domains <br /> <br />All that land l1hg South of f1 line beginning at. the <br />point on the South linl of the East 950 teet ot the Ni <br />of the Hi of the HEi of Seo. 14, Town 29, Rang. 23, <br />subJlot to County Road B, which point 18 320 teet distant <br />Welterly .1'rom the Southeut corner of said paraelJ thence <br />North 810 50' East approximately .325 feet to a point on <br />the East lin. of said percel, whioh point 11 60 f().::;t <br />Northerl,. trom the Southeast corner of eaid pareel. <br /> <br />.A1so thfl Eut 20 teet of the Northerly 175 feet of the <br />Southerly 235 teet of said parael. <br /> <br />RiSOLVEIl J further, tha.t Beldin H. Loftsgaarden t attorney for the <br />V1l18fe of f.oseville be authorized and directed to proceed with 88id pro- <br />oeedlnas forthwith. <br /> <br />Adopted by thE! Village! Counoil this ~__.dB.Y of m_~t'::.,19;7. <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br />~ lJ~n:~ <br />- p(JL~V;;:t; V 111ag. Olerkj <br />