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<br />3. ~e bonds shall be prepared for execution under the direction of the <br />Village Clerk and executed on beha,lf of the Village by the signature of the M9.yor <br />and countersigned by the Village Clerk, and a facsimile of the corporate seal of <br />the Village shall be printed on each bond, and the appurtenant interest coupons <br />shall be executed and authenticated by the printed, engraved or lithographed fac- <br />simile signatures of the Mayor and Clerk. When the bonds have been so executed <br />and authenticated they shall be de]yered by the Village Treasurer to the purchasers, <br />upon payment of the purchase price specified in the contract of sale, and the pur- <br />chasers shall not be obligated to see to the application of the proceeds of the <br />bonds; but the bond proceeds, except accrued interest, shall be applied solely to <br />the payment of costs incurred and to be incurred in the making of local improve- <br />ments ordered by the Village to be made under Minnesota Ctatutes, Chapter 429, <br />described as follows: <br /> <br />Improvement <br /> <br />Date Ordered <br /> <br />Estimated <br />Cost <br /> <br />Water Imp. No. 64-1, <br />Project 1 <br />Storm Sewer Imp. No. 65-1 <br />San! tary Sewer Imp. No. 5 <br />Street Imp. No. 64-1 <br />Street Imp. No. 64-3 <br />Street Imp. No. 65-25 <br />Street Imp. No. 65-26 <br /> <br />September 14, <br />1964 <br />May 3, 1965 <br />July 6, 1964 <br />June 8, 1964 <br />July 6, 1964 <br />April 5, 1965 <br />April 5, 1965 <br /> <br />$].08,405 <br /> <br />596,900 <br />130,500 <br />92,100 <br />17,472 <br />13,310 <br />40,653 <br />~l,Ooo,OOO <br /> <br />A separate fund of the Village is hereby created for each of said improvements, <br />and there shall be credited to each thereof, from the proceeds of said bonds, the <br />estimated cost of the improvement on account of which it was created, as shown <br />above. ~e moneys in each of such funds shall be used as prescribed in Minnesota <br />Statutes, Section 429.091, Subdivision 4. <br /> <br />4. Upon completion of each of said improvements, or prior thereto, the <br />Council shall do and perform aU acts and things necessary for the final and valid <br />levy of special assessments upon properties within the respective areas designated <br />to be assessed therefor, in an aggregate amount equal to the total cost of each im- <br />provement as ascertained, less such portion, if any, as the Council shall <br />direct to be paid by the levy of ad valorem taxes, including, but without limita- <br />tion, interest accrued on the temporary improvement bond proceeds used to finance <br />the improvements, from the date of such bonds to the date of levy of special assess- <br />ments. In the event that any such assessment shall be at any time held invalid <br />with respect to any lot or tract of land, due to anyerror, defect Qr irregularity <br />in any action or proceeding taken or to be taken by the Village or the Councilor <br />any of the Village's officers or employees, in the making of the assessment or the <br />performance of any condition precedent thereto, the Village shall do all such fur- <br />ther acts and things and shall take all such further proceedings as shall be re- <br />quired by to make such assessments a valid and binding lien upon said property. <br /> <br />-6- <br />