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<br />.' <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />(t\.". <br />'w <br /> <br />~, <br /> <br />R09F.11TT.T.F: t'L4N:'INCJ. C~M"IStJION <br /> <br />~u <br /> <br />5D~clRl Me~tlng. J~nu~ry 19, 1960 <br /> <br />Th"'! RT)~c1n.l m~"!t1n!l of thp. Ros.-,vl1.1e Pl~nnlnp: COIi':rniAA1on WflS <br />cR11p(l to oT'dp.r qt t"e vi1.1~Q'p. h~11 11y Ch.ql]"m~n Robp.1't 'q~11 n.t <br />7:J15 'Oo!T', COllmlQl11on-rR Bell, Gilles>> (}Y'Rul ana. Slmmp.l'mAn tog~ther <br />wi th vI11~g~ Rttorn",y Loftag"~rd\D,n. v1llQge "ng1n~er Soutt""1" , <br />mqyor Cednrh"lmp ~nd truAt~P.s CR.~lAon 8n~ ~hI~ld9 Wp.r~ preRento <br />~'~o ~~~~r~~ an~ ~r. Solk~ W~~O on v~c~tlon And Mr. Frqnke anp~Rr~d <br />l~t",~ 1n th- Av.n1n~o <br /> <br />I- <br /> <br />l/ll"1/~f)/1\ <br /> <br />~R~rING C~N~ER pnOPOSAL ~y HAROLD J. 5.L~WIK <br />Loc'itlon: SnellIng nnd County Hond "1?" <br /> <br />AT)r>T'o'Jdml\t,,"y thrp,.. hundred. -perple we:",,, present 1n the <br />Vl11age Hall to hear the pro~oAal for a shopping c~nt~r by <br />Mr. Slawlk and h1s Assoc1ates. ChaIrmen Bell informed the <br />group that th~re W~R no formal aot1on roqu~et~d on this m~tter <br />at th18 time. This W~A an Informat1on g~th~rlng meeting to <br />listen to th~ proooAsla tor R. future detelopment. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Yr. KYle. a+torney for Slawlk ZnternrlReR, ao~ned the <br />d~8cuBRlon with gen~rRl r~mRrkA And introduced Mr. Sl~wiko <br /> <br />Mro SlAwlk ~~ve the g~n~rnl bqckground lnformetlon <br />oonoernin~ thp. d~veloomAnt of hlA olnns ~nd th~ me~tlnRA thAt <br />he had had with the Village C~ncl1D P18nnln~ Com~lBB16n ~nd <br />res1dents of the qr~a during th~ yeRr lq59. <br /> <br />Th~"e 'Dlnnq for the develo1")m~nt of th~ AreR "Tere dIspVlyed <br />9n~ oooleR ~re on t1le, PlAn C w~lch nrovl~ed for loop Atr~ets <br />on th~ eRRt"rn ~dge of the uroDerty waq d1RouARed Rt l~n~tho <br />Plqn A whIoh 1")rovide~ for nul d~ sacs on th~ "RRt met wIth vocRl <br />ob3~otlon from th~ Ru~1~no~. rIan ~ W~B not dlBoU~sedo <br /> <br />A topo~rR1:>hy mAt) w,.,:'! A1'tO'l'rn of thp. ~6 AoreAn \'71 tn "-5 acres <br />of wet lRnd Rho,.,n reeerv"d for FluJ"r,.cP. dJ"lJ.lnaFl'~" Varl"uFl eolut1(')nn <br />for dr~lnag~ we~e ~ropo9~d: - <br />10 'rh- "'at"r mA1 be dr~lnp.d t!) the north to Z1mm"Mnan Lake~ <br />How~vert thlFl body ~f water hAS no outl"t e~o~~t surface dralnageo <br />to Rouna. f,Ake w'h1oh 1n tUJ"n d7"~lnf1 to 1.Ak" Joseuhln., 0 Mr 0 SlewIk <br />At~t~d th~t th~ exp~n8~ of nJ"ovIdlng Adequ~t~ draIna~e for <br />Z'mm~rm~n Lak" w')uld, in h1a o~1nlon, be too "xp"nAlve. <br />~o An ~lteT'na+'lve DrOT)oeal WAa to mAke a uond near iqan <br />....4,:~nd Pa"cql to provide to~ AUrraCf! wat-.r; Mr.. Slewlk <br />.,~ stated thnt th~ Aurface water 1n the uond would be treated, the <br />uond f~noed and th~ area 18nd9oR~~d. Ultlm~t~ly th1F1 area would <br />\ <br />be glv~n to th~ Vll1ag~ ~e A park. <br /> <br />~t thin poInt num~rOU9 queFlt10nA 8)"0ge from th~ 9.ucJ1~nOp. <br />concern1ng th" eff~ct th~ t this pond would hAV~ on the area, <br />eUc~ ~B tne P.trect on drlnkln~ wells. ~rreot on wat-.)" tpbl-.p <br />~~fect on ndj~c~nt RtruotureFl. ~tc. <br /> <br />\rchlt~ctR drawln~R of the exter10r ~nd Intp.rlor vl~wB of <br />the uropoAed Rhot)~lng cent~r were Ahown. <br />