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<br />o ROSEVILLF. PUNNING CnMl,~QIo~ <br /> <br />Special I-feeting, February 4, 1960 <br /> <br />The Bp9c1.a1 meeting was called to order by Chairmen Bell at 7 :45 p.m. Commissioner!! <br />Ben, Franke, Gines and Soike togothor with councilmen CarIoon, Flanagan, Keene, and <br />Shields, Mayor Cedarholm, Soutt9r and Kluegel, Asst. Building Inspector were presont.. <br /> <br />\~) <br /> <br />SIGN ORDINANCE(2-4-60t\) <br />Mr. Dah1gren g89'e all members }rosent a coPY' of the rev1sed sign section of the zoning <br />ordinance No. 21S. The text was read by Dahlgren Bnd the following points appeared to <br />require further c1arificationl <br />9..1-1 (c) A rotating sign should be doflned so that no contueion exists between <br />rotating and flashing signs. <br />9.1-3 (d) Will illuminated churoh signa be permitted in "It" districts? <br />9.1-4 (d) (6) Illuminated and rlashl~ si~ns shall be permitted. <br />Mort Huber of 700 W. CountY"Rd. B spa e about his reaotions tothe old and proposed <br />revis1on. If 100 sq. ft. 1s ~ax:lmum permis81ble surface area for sigms, then a 24 f'ti. <br />maximum height is satisfactory but he preferred that no m.n.xima be established. He <br />contended that all signs be made uniform both old ~8 wen as new. Huber stated that he <br />found "the reV'isl!d ordinance entirely acceptable." <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Walter Lehmann, Phillips Petroleum Co., stated that 100 sq. ft. ot sign surfa.oe is <br />acoeptable in about 9S% ot the cases. To his knowledge the largest sign current1y in <br />use on doub1o lane super highw&.ys io 114 sq. ft. Leh1B8m1 stated that in St. Louie Park <br />they didn't lib to move their signs to the required set back but they did nm'e the <br />signs to tho pump islands. <br /> <br />. GiUes moved, Solke seconded that the ldgn ordinance be referred to 111-. D.hlgren <br />to revise and to report on Febru827 16. Motion ca1'Tied. <br /> <br />Franke lIIOVed that all sigrw be raored immed1o.te:Il' back to the 30 ft. setback liB <br />called tor in this ordinance. 'lbe chElirlllJn pointed out that it this motion carried tho <br />whole ordimmce would have to be changed. There being no seoond to the motion, too motion <br />died. <br /> <br />FmE STATION (2~-60B) <br />~r. D8h1gren reparted on correspondence received from the tire underwriters. A sscond <br />tire station is needed in the lIostem ~ct.1on ot RoseviUe and the area ot Fairviev a.nd <br />County Road B 1s the recommended location. Mr. Larry Squires, Fire Chier, "greed with <br />this 1'econneNlation &s it would Bel"'1'e the nearby rapid:Q' developing comt1l0t"cial, induBtrial <br />and residential area. <br /> <br />A comrrd. ttee of Gilles and Bell was appointed to meet with a committee of the Nremen <br />to investigate the possible s1 tes in this general area, to consider the problem of access <br />to Highway )6, and to disauss the possibility ot aoquiring about 10 to 15 acres or land <br />to provide tar futuro expansion or the villaRo orf'ices, police station, etc.. <br /> <br />"~_, PLAYGroUND AND PARK PLAN (2-4-600) <br />Mr. Dahlgren 1IadG a presentation of a park and plqgroluD plan that had been dCW'elopad <br />by his orrice. A sunrn817 or the need for the land was presented and each person W(l,S <br />given a copy. (1) Park and Recreation Bond Issues in Metropolitan Area 1950-1959 and <br />(2) Principles or n t-'un:tcipm1 Park am Recreation Syatem. If ho% or the sdtool land <br />is calculAted to be used for o~lIIIIun1ty purposes the suggested total ot 491.11, acral'! is <br />reduced to 272..6 acres that are suggested to be acquired for a complete park and <br />p1.A7ground ByBtellt. <br />