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<br />o ROSEVII,LE PUmrrNG Cmf.lIS~ <br /> <br />Special <br />Februar;y 16, 1960 <br /> <br />The special meeting of' the Rosev1l1e Planning Comm1ssion was caned to order by <br />Cba1rsn Bell at 7130 P..M. Commissione" Ben, Franke, GiUes, arauel, Hembrez <br />and Soike and Village Engineer Sautter were present) }Irs. Simerman absent due to <br />illness. <br /> <br />2-16-60-A REZONI~G RE~ST BY RAY KROISS CO~TRUCTION CO. <br /> <br />. U MaRs. Courtney' and. Dau'bney, attornqs tor the interested parties, were informed <br />tkat a public hearing could not be held on this date because the Rose Tribune had <br />not published the notice of public hearing on the 4th of FebruAr1' as r8queoted by <br />.. letter bT the colllft1s8ion' s secretar,r. The noUce was published on February U, 1960 <br />but this wu not IftONthIm ten c:Iqs prior to the date of the public hearing as <br />required b,. Ordinance 27S. <br /> <br />. It vas agreed that another public heari1'Jg would be called on March 2, 1960 at 71:30 P.11. <br /> <br />ro 2-h-60..A SIGN ORDINANCE <br /> <br />\ <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />( <br />.-'-. <br /> <br />Mrs. Luc1alrnw.n presented the re9'il!led sign crdinance. the f'ollowing changes were notedt <br />9.1-1 (c) ~!gn___~. ~ 1llUJlinatGd sign on which the artif'iciallight 1s not <br />ma1nta1D8~ constant in intensit)' 8I'1d. color at all times when such sign <br />i8 in use. <br />9.1-1 (g) ~ Rota~. A signor d1ep].q which rotates on its Arls by'mechanical <br />me8D8. A ro ing sign 'lf87 be an iUUJdnated sign. <br />9~1-l (h) vaa renumbered from 9.i-l (g) in the rw1sion presented on February hth. <br />9.1-2 (0) Rotating ~. shall not give ort an inten8i1.i7 of light so &8 to conat1tute <br />a . rotat:1ni beam or a Blmee to adjacent propertu owners. <br />9~1-2 (letters c thru 11nc1ua1n) have been remDlbered letters d tbru j inclusive. <br />9~1-2 (,) The sentence, sign letters ma,. be attached to a vall, has been added. <br />9.1-3 (d) D.lU1d.natedrotating or flashing signs shall not be permitted in "R" Distrids <br />em. for the 111U1d.n4t1on or permitted name plates when the light shall not beam <br />b810nd the sign ltael.t. <br />9.l~3 (e) Churches. schools and other permitted institutional uses in "R1t n1.stricts may <br />hWe 8ft iU\1IId.nated sign not greater than tin.,- (50) sq. ft. gross 81Jrface area. <br />901eh (b) (11) Pl.,bing or !'OUting signs shall not be permitted in "B-1" Districts. <br />9~1-h (c) (7) Rotating tr:I.anB shall be perm1:\;ted. · <br />901-4 (0) (8) naahina a1gnB shan not be permitted. <br /> <br />Mort Huber, Httber Sign CO, oommented on tashing 8igna an! suggested that ea10r occlusion <br />s1gns not be perlld.tted in the village. Arter a d18cua81on it was agreed tbat the <br />'lb1lONiDg atatnant be added to 9.1...1 (c). Or aJ7,T &1gn, vh1ch by optieal or lII8Chan1eAl <br />meane, appeare to silll11ate a nasbing sign. <br /> <br />Hr. L1I8hnik, f'etro1eua Co. stated ob3ecti0D8 to the p-oposed 30 f'oot set back. <br />Be ola1_d that signs' 110111.4 be plaoed all over the lots and that there would not be <br />UDiton1f.7. Morea9'U', he .tated that be ob3eoted to plaC81Mftt or sips on the gasoline <br />pump 1alan~ because or danger or their being struck by veb1eleB. <br /> <br />Mr. Huber Also opposed the set back and suggested that the v1l1age shou1d purchase the <br />t1\1rt1' (30) f'eet it 8igDa could not be placed upon 1to Mr. Huber added that the revised <br />sign ordinance vas acceptable to 98~ or the people &s now V!'1 ttenJ he rel t the. t <br />4:& W\"ld object to the thirtY' ()o) toot set back. <br />