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<br />.. . ;-~: ..... <br /> <br />PARJ~ PIA ~mnm REPORT <br />Hr. l) presented each member of the cOml'!\iasion ujth a brochure of <br />Roscville's Parka and Recreation Plan. He sited various defects in our <br />present "Iathod of obtaining necessary property for parks and pla.ygrounds. <br /> <br />A disc"ssion followed but no workable solution '-18.5 found to aoquiloe the <br />necessary -property. It was suggested that one solution 'Would be for Borne <br />organization within the community take on the project of aCq11irlng Gome <br />ot the needed property. <br /> <br />./ <br /> <br />tofembrez mO"1ed, Simerman seconded that the cornmiesion rev-iau too brochure so <br />that it can be acted on at the next re~r reetinr, on June 1,. 1960. Hotion <br />carried unan:f.Dr>usl;r. <br /> <br />;4-33-4 KROISS ~OO'1Wroon ADT)ITION .. 'Ozoel1minary Plat <br />LOCATIO!-I: Southeast corner at intersectlon of '.[estern Avel1ue <br />and South Ownseo Blvd. containing about 51 acres <br />Rq Kreiss appeared in support or his plat. lIe bought tho property under <br />contract which provided for purchase of three 'Parcels of land in three <br />equa11nsW1J1Jents over a three year period. '!be grid iron plan for develop"" <br />manto or the property was used due to the natural drainage towards Lake Owaseo. <br /> <br />Hr. Kro1u 1nd.1cated that a COtml\\w.ty water system is planned for the deY'elopment. <br /> <br />Hr. l)ah1gren reported that a plat of contour desir,n ~ould be ideal for the <br />terrain ot the property. He pointed out tha t the street jOffG on the 'Propooed <br />plat did not meet the required minimum length or 12S feet. He aleo adv'ised that <br />tho lots in Block 4 did not meet the required si7!e. <br /> <br />Ur. Kroiss 'WOuld not consider developing a plat of contour design because it <br />i. not economically feasible. <br /> <br />:1r. Dahlgren suggested that Kroies have a contour plat prapar6d to determine <br />the diff'erence in cost. Ur. Kroiss indioated he would have the prosent plan <br />rensm to lDIet the street jog and lot 5ize requirement.s. <br /> <br />Soi. ftIOVed.. Hembrel $8Conded that the Kro1sG Northwood Plat be laid over unt11 <br />the nut regular meeting on JUnB 1. 1960. Motion carried 'I.UW111'1(n's!;r. <br /> <br />S-4-33-S RE~S'r mct-! PHILT.IP c. NF.WJJmG A'ID OONALD G. JOHnSOn tor permission <br />to construct driyewayon County Road ~ tD serve the Golden Age 't>'ursing Home. <br /> <br />~Jo one appeared in support or this action. <br /> <br />Franke 1IIOV'ed, Simerman seconded that the request for dl"iveway by Golden A<<e <br /> HcIae on County Road B be laid over until the next regular meeting on <br />June 1. 1960. <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Hr. and i'Irs. H. Radmann or 295 Elmer Appeared betore the oOfnmiasion for iii. special <br />use pendt to be used in oonnect1on with a proposed IIt>tel to be built on property <br />just north of Kraaa's Market near County Road B aM Ienngton.. Plans of the motel <br />W'.N IRIbKltted. 1be now. is to be a one .tor)" bullcCng having )7 unite which <br />will be conetruoted at. an estimated COlt of $150,000. <br /> <br />It was noted that the bltilding would -11CrOaOb on a SO toot batter zone 4dng <br />ot the property. The Ri.dmams own. ~~ to the noz-th on which they have their <br />dwelling. They desire to have the use at ~ euter~ 10 feet ot this property <br />for busiMBB purposes. <br />