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<br />'TIUJ,J]h Of' R.OSg\fILU~ <br />HFflrl'ES 0];> TilE ngGUL.A..I~ rr.MI}fDJG CUllllISSIO~1 ~TIm'rIN'a Oli' <br />JUJ.Y 6, 1960 <br /> <br />Tho meeting was (~<.l11ed to order by Chairman Bell at 7:3'5 P.!T. ComissionertJ Bell, <br />Franke, Gilles, Jlranke, Slmerman and Soike together with Eng1nee:r Sautter and <br />Plarmer TJahl""ren were present.. <br /> <br />SWPJ 1?EZOnPfG R-1 to 13-3 <br />UJCATION: Hortheast cornel' IhiY 280 and Co 1'(d B <br />PtJRPOSE. Unknown <br />No one a.ppeared in support of this aotion.. Hr. and Era. ~'elvin Lossan" C. L. <br />Alfaon, Fred Ditmsnson and J.. Gv Schader, a.11 residents li"lng on r~uatis St. opposed <br />this action. <br /> <br />It was moved by 0:1.11es, seconded by Soike that the matter be t.abled until the: <br />AUf{Ust 3rd meetinR'. Notion carried. <br /> <br />RYt'fER FEZ01IfING R-l to B-3 <br />LOCATION: Southeast COt'ner Hwy )6 and. I.9xington <br />PURPOSE: Hustc ScTh.')J:Il <br />A large crowd was at the meeting. Hr. Dell gave the backgl'ound infomat:i.on <br />regarding this aotion and tJlen 11mi ted discuBsion to the revision of the zoning <br />ordJ..nance to permit music 60110018 in R-I zone undor n special \lac parmi-t.. <br /> <br />H. \V. IIoberg, 1125 Sherron, Hr. Burahe11, 1123 Shet-ren, HI'S" Hamm, 1063 Sherren, <br />14. Beidler, 2237 N. Lexinr.ton, II. Carr, 1155 Sharren, Hr. mrlttles, 1135 Sherron, <br />and lira. limo Harken, 1166 Shel"ren spoke ltp,trlnat the eatab:~ish\1mnt of a music achool <br />under any circumstance at this location. Their objections 'Ual"e based upon the fact <br />that it Would destroy property values, create traffio, ore ate noise, n&a.kan tho <br />zonir.g ordinance, not contribute to the tax base and that this large, old haima was <br />not quilt to house a music school. <br /> <br />Hrs.. Justine O'Connor.. 23 00 U" Oxford read f'rom HI's.. Wm.. Layne, 1011 N.. Asbl1!'Y, <br />lirs. Eriokson, 966 She:rren and firs. Kenneth Green, 3075 Simpson; all S'Upported t.he m~:i) <br />of a. speoial use permit to permit music schools in R-l zoned a.reas. Hr. B. Biard, <br />686 Belmont Lane and :1rs. ffa1'mon, 3017 A,soury spoke for the aohool. They oont,onded <br />that this large older type home located 60 near the highwa:y 'WOUld not be a good <br />residence, doubted that the noise compared with thR t crea tad by !Ny 36 would be <br />objectionable, the traffic increase compared that on Lexington rood H.~ 36 <br />would be small, that the monetary 10B5 to adja.cent residences 'HOuld be trmall and <br />that a cultural establishment such as tills school was needed in Rosavll1e.. <br /> <br />~~r. ~nrl Rymers, 1627 vi. Co. Rd. B, stated his case. He inill.catad that he was <br />astonished at the tales told behind his 'back and stated that he 'trould abide by <br />the following policy if a speoial us!" permit 'Were grantod. He would be a good <br />neighbor, provide good parldng, mako the building look like a. rosidence, not a <br />cOJml)l'Srcial structure I not remove trees on the east side of the lot to provide <br />a buffer, prClride an encloaed stairway at the rear or the lmilding, not ereot <br />a larger building, encourage students to form car poola to Jind t tra..t"fic and <br />opera te b3' not harrrdng ttJ.O R-l zone. <br /> <br />Mr. Dahlgren pointed out that (1) because of the recent en.1a.t"gement of Hwy 36, this <br />homCiJ could no longer be c1used &8 ideal residential property', (2) zoning must be <br />ktJpt up to date and appeals to rightness o~ existing zontng is not necessarily- adv1.~ble c <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />