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<br />( <br /> <br />ROSEVILlE PI"ANNTIJG COH1U:SSION SPECIAL f1EE'1'nm <br />~ 19, 1960 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />The meeting was called to orcle:r bY'vice-oha.1rman Membl.ez at .It)O P.M.. Commissioners <br />Frank8, oWes, Qraul. Membrez. S:lJnarman and Soi_ were present.. <br /> <br />SPECIAL USE PEBMI'r FOR APAR'l'HEN'l'S BY 1m. AL'1'MA.N <br />Duplicate copies ot plans tor ape.rtments on the RadmAnn nnd Krause property on <br />Ia1ngton near Co. Rd. B were presented by' }Jr. Altman. lfr. Altman stated that he <br />has requested that the easter1y f1tty' (SO) teet of the KrnutJe property be rezoned <br />from R-l to B-1 because the v1nage attorney had ruled that the entire parcel of <br />land must be zoned in aocordance with the primary use... 'lhex>store Mr. Altman <br />requested that the action on the special use permit be tabled until af'teI" the <br />public hearing on the resoning aotion. <br /> <br />No one els8 requested to be heard. <br /> <br />It was moved by' SimerntlU1, seconded by' Gilles that the matter be tabled until <br />August 3. l1otion carried unanimou~. <br /> <br />mm DALE ADDrrroN AND HANOON NURSING HOrm REZONING <br /> <br />On the req'Q8st ot the petitioners it was 1IIWed by Simernam and seconded b.r <br />Gin.. that these acUona be tabled until the August 3rd meeting.. Motion <br />oarr1ed unan1moua1;y.. <br /> <br />SrGN ORDIfWTCE <br />A yerba1 report on the progress wao given b1 the S8Cl'"etal7. Mr. Dah~ bas <br />&8lNnd the &ecretarr that the ordinanoe has been rw1ewed by the attonie,u tar <br />the 81sn induat&7 and that Mr. Dah1gnn will meet with the inspector <br />and be prepm-ed to make recommendationa at the regular meeting on August ~. <br /> <br />It .... moved by Boike, seconded tv llraul that the action be tabled until <br />Auguat 3Jtd. Qarrled. <br /> <br />RENAlaNO OF 8T111Im COURt TO PINEVIEW COUR! <br />MasrI. Scbm14t and Sn;rItw pres81ted a petition of' tho land oomera on Stuber Court <br />requa.tine that the street be renamed P1n8rlev Court. The petition was signed <br />~6 J. M. ~.bor, E. O. Bch1ddt, F. H. SI'\Yker, Jr., and ~rr8. D. to Sabo of' 616, 635, <br />6116, and 625 stuber Court respectivel1'. <br /> <br />Mrs. 81111N'n1U1 reported that P:1nerl.ew Court did not appear to oontliot :In name <br />M1 th a1\1 ot the .-eets in the st. Paul &1"8&. <br /> <br />0Ule& 1QOY8d, Ct.rau1 seconded that the 1atterr be placed OD tile, that the matter <br />be ret..,.<I to the 8treet NlaDing CoDn1ttee tor 1'eOO1"d1ng and that a favorable <br />reCOIIImendation be nade to the v1Uage council. M>t1on carried. <br /> <br />STRIE'J.' NAME OC>MMI'1"l'EE RE~T <br />A P1"08'N8& '!"8pOrt vas IUbnd.tted by Mrs. SlJDe:rman. The street f1UeU have been Bent <br />to the Post Offlce Department tor approralJu Jet no confirmation has been ~do <br />It ." qgested b;y' not on the PUnning CoarmuD1on that ~ streets be <br />aon81ared to be 118IIa8d tar v1llap of't1a1a1I. Pro11Dd.J1817 1mreat1gati~ntl tnd1CaJ.te <br />that tb1. idea 18 not reafJib1e &8 dUplication of n8.mea in st. Paul and l<<nneapol1$ <br />1IOuld rosult. <br /> <br />