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<br />r.:,DJ~tj'l'.ltS dl.1 'j:~L'.~ .1...!./..[.,1rf';. f.,.'_ (':r~,:~'(.; ~ ',"'jIzi' <br />~.n;,;;.'c l~n:(, L'L~::;\I.Lt') i <br />f:'~~JJ. C(";~~1":)C",:1:~ ~;~'II:~ J..~,'5o <br /> <br />'1'he Jr~0tin,g '~u.u called t.o ol"d{;r at, 'I :1~.5 f'..H. at the Vinf':'I1'~ HI.:!]. 1;jU GJ\il:t1'\ncm lklL, <br />Commissioners Bell, Gilles, Granol, Simermu,n and SClibl H~l'l~ pJ"t:.sent" <br /> <br />SPECIAL USE P~{MITS <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />Dahlgrent B planning memo on this su.bject which 'WflS I\udlcd 'i;o p.ach oornm.1.ss1on-ar <br />was diacussc,l.. Simo:rme.n roved, Grauel seconded, that a lethw be sent to tho <br />Village Council expressing tho of the P1$.nn:1Xlf~ C:omrnlsuion as to the <br />6ubst&nce of the Special Use Ordina.noe. Tha COj1t'l'1:1nsion racol11r.1onda the fol1orlnt~: <br />10 There 8ha.U be no uaGS of land in the Vi.1lBgo of Rose:villa ~apt as l10ijEJd <br />in '!:.he Zoning Ordinance CI <br />2. Special uses shall be applied for in the flSllMer de8cM_b~d in l.fl... Dahlgren' f) <br />II1emO 0 <br />3. 'Ibat an additional special US\) for be allcwE,d in the R-l, R...2 and <br />ft-3 distrlcts when these d1atrict5 81'e adjneent t.o iJ.a.l, a..2, 13.-.3 or S C <br />diatrl.ots. <br />4. '1."hat the Village Council pass an appropriate ordins.l1':)e encompassing these <br />recomendationa. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />PlANNERS OFFICE HOURS FOR CONSUIJTATION <br /> <br />Boike Moved, Ch-auel Seconded, that. a lette1" be written to the Village Council <br />recommending tba t the offico ho'lU"s of the residant plannat. be chll11ged from Handily <br />morning to Thursday morning to enable the planner to complet.e the P1A1Uung Hf:ipo~.ts <br />Mor to the Planning Commission meeting.. Motion carried 'lulanimoualy.. <br /> <br />STREET NAMING COHMI'l'TEE REPOR'r <br /> <br />1", Dahlgren's roo.p code apP:ll.'"ll'ed t..o be oft' tht-J !nodule a.t locs.tion K and J (1800, <br />1920) on Rice Stl"eeto <br />2.. Several new plAta wero not inoludad on>on' s 'il()~'l, f>1/lPI> <br />.30 Need Dahlgren' B report on the problElm of rmrr.e duplication or !.a..l{e Street <br />in I.1I:uderdale and III!1plEl'WOodG <br />h. }.1ro R.. Short agreed to f.\nvn1sh f1 new base map of the Vtlll!.p:o "hie:} l,,.-lU inv', <br />elude the newly pla ttod (\.L'ea:h <br />~" Tentatively schedule v. public hetl1'1ng on "ihe 3rd Tuesdn.y of O~tobHr.. <br /> <br />CAPITAL IMffiOVEMENTS rnocmAM" <br /> <br />~B. Sill18t'l?lan reviewed the events of v. meeting \d th John Bond e.nd rCp]:'estJntativoo <br />of all village departments. Mr. B:md wishes to 1ni tiute thi:J program,,, dosirea t.o <br />avoid overlapping, and 1fOuld like an ideal1stic plan for each dJ!1p9.rtmnnt t"ega..'t"d,~ <br />lass of the pt'obabl\'.; coat as cost can be adjuutad later Ol'l ~.e the oopj.'tal im- <br />PrOvements program progreBs~a. l;"oX'mlS were given to each department heRd for com- <br />pletion.. <br />Meeting adjourned, 10;00 P .r1. <br /> <br />R%1apeotfuUy :>'i'tJmj. ttc:d, <br /> <br />Kenneth A.. Gilles, SecrotLtry <br />