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<br />..2,r.l <br /> <br />/ <br />auppo:t'ting the lDtiSter plan which cost thousands of dol1m.';~, coai, of' S.ndustria1 <br />land, questionable tax saVings and the traf'.fic p1'Ob1em~ <br /> <br />(Secretary's nota a The.1noerit,y ot the Wallace 8weal to support the master <br />plan ahouldbe viewed with the information that Mr~ Wallace on October 2$. 1960 <br />.t1lad a pettUcm with th$ Village C0W1cl1 to rezone a number of acres of I'i."2 <br />diat.rict. ly1ng 80Uth ot, CouHt1 Road C" He desired to have this land used, foJ' <br />''""'''\ a cemetU'y by Sunset. MemoI"1al Aasn. Wan ace'a petition was incomplete and the <br />\ secret.ary referred it back to t.he Village Council!') <br /> <br />The toll owing people opposed the rezoning. Almost all of these people prefaced <br />their 1'8mara by the statement that they wanwd Control Data. Corp.. in Roseville <br />but not at this location~ . Thor Bank 2181 Draper, Mrs.. Robart S\1an~ President <br />of the I.eagW!l ot Women V4>>tera, Mr. Hammond 2205' Midlothian Road, Rev. Gras <br />2191 M1dlothian Road, ~. Bjomberg 1828 Ryanjp Wm. SpeS-I' 2132 No. Cleveland, <br />Mr<> Kardley 2107 Fairwa;y8 Lane, Jim Lilb8rt,R.. Langlurn 2503 Snelling CurI1e:> <br />Luoille Eng 2'213 Midlothian Road, Bob Warm 213, l1idlothian Road, Don Buctwr <br />1861 Gluek Lane, Hilton Johnson Gluek Lane, Hana ROIS&oloor 218, No. Fail"View,. <br />Ed 'fhueau 2200 MidlothiaQ Road, Wm. DallD. Fa11"VieW Avenue" Thomas Macy 209S <br />Midlotrhian,Gove Bamb1dge 1817 Gluek ~. <br /> <br />The following people took a neu'tra.l pos1.tion and c1'/:ied the precautions <br />that should be observed if' the arrt1an u raqu8sUld should be granted. Mre;. <br />Emmott. Wi1'1'AIIW, ~uperintel'1dent of Schools, cited the solut.iO!i1s to the po51i1bls <br />traffic problem. Dr.. Stow, Chairman of too Br1.mtut11 School PTA indicated that <br />a letter had been sent to the parents of the children} a copy of the letter is <br />on rue. The letter stated:: <br />10 Ko 8CCGU on County Road B. <br />20 Aooesa to be as tv.. north on Fairview 8iI poss1.ble... <br />3~ Acce8s to be on 8. service road to be constructed parallel to HighwaY' 36. <br />4ft Traffic light reqwsBted fOI" F'airview at County Road B~ <br />$.. SidSvilk to be constructed em south side of County Road Be <br />6D ?'bat a letter signed. by Dl.~ Gave Hamb1dge ffCb:rl.rmal11) School Safety <br />Committee" had no offioial status nth Brimhall School, Corpus Chrlati <br />School, Jt'airv.lew Junior High School, the School D:i.3tl'l.ct or the Sch.ool <br />Board.. <br /> <br />Hro Howar.d D,~~'" c~led. upon to outline the considerations applicable <br />to the wter ,...,. .pl~ Did11gren reviewd the plan stated that. all of tbB <br />hoaes on Fa11"Y1ew' Avenue and Brl.1aball ScnoolwN Constl"tlcted during the time <br />that the land under considoration V8.i'J Boned Zetr "BUSinS8If3tJ J01 that 30 .foot lSet"", <br />backa 'W1'O applicaba <II The plan ot Control Data COi~. would give greater set.. <br />bac~and that beneficial ef'tect.a wuld accrue in the f'uturlIt it th0 electronics <br />induatry would locate in our comumity.o Moreover, mOG.a; 01: .~oo p~.,:.p1b objecting <br />live on sti>eets tha.t do not lace on the property in question", '1'he traffic pro... <br />blem on County Road B has been lmawn for a long tU18, a.ll of the Rol5av111e Schools <br />are located on streets bearing heavy tra:t'.fio. viz Rice, COU11t,. ltoad B, Laxingtonli' <br />and Victoria, and there have been no traffic problems GO [9:1.*" <br /> <br />Membrez Mowd, S~ib Seconded, that the propoual of Control Data Corp,... <br />be recorm1ended tor approval, and that the secretary be ins tru.ct,ad to \J rite a <br />u.tter indicating that the., PlanniDg Coard.88ion concurs with the rec()J!I!I)9ndation <br />of Mr. Wil11.. and of t~}'iBrimhallSchool PTA in I"agtU"d to the traffic s1tua- " <br />tion. And that letters .fJ'.01Il ths P'l'A and Mr. Williams a.ccOi~any this reccmmJ.andlltion. <br />Motion., carried 6 to 1, 'ranb oppomdo . .'.- <br /> <br /> <br />