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<br />'.' .. ,......... ,.' ... .'.".., h,............ .,...'h....' . f . .. <br /> <br />il!" ~ut &~:edf, SW,\l:tilo1 'f.Jc:Y()\hdaa;-~11a:t:' {,tlO i;,ht~i\~:L\II:l l:it\'fj,i;(~dL'l :.;~- i1"uK't-ann.a...\:: to XW2,)'i/"; <br />froin R-l to" SC be conti.....usd a.t our June 7th u Gat'."'.t.ed \.1nam..i.nousl~l" <br /> <br />5-)--61-..49 Lexington Holdirg Company Vacating of Dunlap st<JI from Larpenteur Avenue <br />to Dionne St 0 <br /> <br />Jerallle Lofts~aa.rd8n represented the Laxington Bolding Company ~ He Ii dvised that fue pati'~i on <br />wou1d1lt revised to vacate Dunlap st. to the South owmr.ship of. the Kuivinen property" <br />IDftsgaarden said that MOO.Dgtcn Oompany would be wi.lling to grade at ita own eXfJ6llf>~ <br />Dimne sto traa Fenmwood Avenue to Dunlap Sto . <br /> <br />William A. Beiling, 1727 LJ11de, aiv:1sed there is an agreement on record in the Village moo <br />sometime in 1953, which woold require Dionne Street be opened t.o if Dunlap Street was eva!" <br />vacnted6 <br /> <br />B. Go Benson, 1728 B. Dunlap & \<1. Futcbar, 174b Lj11de, wex" oppoaed to the Petition" <br /> <br />Swanson Moved, SolD Seconded, that vacation ot DUl1lap S$1"eet from La.rpentour Avenue to <br />Dianna street cannot bee onsiderecl at t his t ima until D1'()nne Stroet is dadioated between <br />Femwood Avenue aId I.ex1ngton Avenue as provtJaed for in the agreement. Carried unaminoual~r" <br />~"'~'-.J <br />$-3--61-,5 Kalin Plat- W. ot t.axington Avenue & So of Sout.h Ourasso Blvdo <br /> <br />Mr. Kalin submitted certificate Of.'Burveys to the Gouncl.l uiStead of a prel1mina,'Y plat <br />required by the ordiMnce" <br /> <br />Solke Mo'Ved" 8imB:ruan Secorxled that t~ Public Hearing on the Kalin Preliminary Plat <br />De continued on June 7, 1961... Carried unaminously,. <br /> <br />5-3--61-56 <br /> <br />Rosadale Addition No,) 3 Glewland and Roselawn Avenues. <br /> <br />H. So Tolstad and C. A. AndersCS1 1f91'E1 aiviaod by the Co mmism.on to appear at t he June '7 jj <br />1961 meeting :lna.amucl1 a.s are fDOO changes to be mads in t.he arrangement. of t he lot tin" N <br />on the preliminary plat <br /> <br />5oil<<J !lowd" Swanson Seconded, tha.t action on the preliminary plat of RoaedaJ.a Acktl.tian. <br />Boo) be oontinued at our June 7 meeting.. Carrl..ed unaninous1,. <br /> <br />5"'3w6,-54 <br />Awnue . <br /> <br />Proposed Ix'ade separation at the intersections of Highway 36 and f~ai.rmw <br /> <br />The proposed layout 8u1:n1tted by 'the Highway Departm:mt was given to Boward Dah.lgreaQ <br />Howard prepared an alternate proposal wch the Commission felt woul.d give the adjoining <br />pI'Operty owners sufficient access 'to their properties/) <br /> <br />Membt1e-z Moved Sc>lke Seconded, t hat the Secretary Wl1ite a Jetter tJJ the Village Council <br />advising the doungil of theneceasity of' pI'oviding tor suffioient access to the propertia5~ <br />that adjoin this inteI't!l6otion and 1'6cotllIOOnd that thaCouncil initiate a meeting betwen <br />the Highway DepartrDmlt affected pr'0p8rty owners, ~nbers of the Village Council and Planning <br />Commiesion to 'Work out an adequate rolution to the pro\)lem, or authorize the planning Commias:1; <br />to arrange the meeting. Carried unaminOllslYQ <br /> <br />