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<br />I.. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />." <br /> <br />( \ <br />........, . <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br />v <br /> <br />IItructure to be built by O'HallorlD & U1rpIv' Co. !he arrcae-nts dh the <br />B1&bnI' ~t. of a.oce.. and 'epeN m re1at1cnah1p to the propoeed C.. <br />... st.teet ....4 to be sat18taotOQ'o The at,nn pattern showed that .~ <br />Iddi '"-at ri&bt.-ot....,. .Jd.abt be neede4 t~ .Haml1De A..... "aidente !h. <br />J.._.uns.~..w.Qm.u~.U63~.~.~U,~o <br />H-'~ AWDUe, 81d JI.r. lIalart, 2218 No. H.-11_, wre OPPOSing tor the .1'888_ <br />that th., telt they _1'8 alOllf~ beiDa baDc1 in an around With bu81ne.., 1D- <br />dIJnria1 and 1121t1p.1e dll8ll1DP. Mot.1 .mad, So~ seconded, 118 reco.amilDd that <br />t.hI special use pend.t. be gNDted 011 the ccnditiOD, howner, that an addS. ticna1 <br />10 tee' be ded10ated to widen Haml1De Avm_. Carried UDIID11Dou8:q. <br />rue 611-186 rront yard aetback variance requested br JIoGough CcmatructicD C~ <br />1*11. !he preeeDt ordina'lce requires a trcDt yard .et.back 1D 1Dduatr1a1 IN" <br />at 100 tM1; When :l.t 18 a01"'0l8 the 8t.reet.. t.rom s:f.Dgle t~ residential. The <br />pet1t.1aDer :req_ated a nrilDce to' a leaaereet.baok ot 61 teet with treat 7~ <br />paJkiDl for 15 oan. Bel.CD IIICmtd, .Ander8cm .eoCDded, ,.. NCODI*ld tha\ tb8 <br />ppopoae4 ohaDpa :in the VUlap Oode outUlted belGw be ocaaldered 'b7 .... 'V111Ip <br />CGUDOl1. <br />~t to Sectl_ 10.030. Fraat Yard Set-Back. The m1niaaa frcot JVd Bet- <br />baole IbaU be "'0 teet 1D. aJ.11ii1.~ aU1;rl0'h. Side yC'd8 tacinlltNete <br />em. comer 10te ahall be considered the ... .. btcrat yarde. Where a hoat ~, <br />~ aide yard oE . oomer 101; racea a resideDt1a1 di8tr1ot 801'018 a e1iNn, the <br />..t.-baok from tbe lItreet ahall be not le.1 thin 60 teet., P8I1dng ot whio1el <br />w:Ul be permitted 'td.thin ~O teet at trtII tnnt yard Une where' the lattace. a <br />1'M~1a1 d1atr:1ct. an4 to 1d.tb1D 20 teet of ID.7 f1tcm\ lot-Une when not. t.iDa <br />a 1'8IIidIDt1al d18tr1ct. excel" that 1n no inatlnce IIbIl1 be w1tbJA J.O <br />teet of a trcI1t lot JJDe 1D. that area d~ bet... the F1nolpa1 b\ti'..4",. <br />_d a b>cnt lot u." A11,ard apace beWoh.,. the Nt-b1Ok and the stNet ri&ht- <br />at.... Un. not. ut1J.iud tor of ~i sba11 be 1adlloaped 1d.tb pue, <br />\zIMe, and other feature. .. ~ b-. appropriate. <br /> <br />. <br />A~ to SectleD 10~050. 0 ~Baok 1Ibt" In..tN1~.~=.~ <br />~.. 1Ibare the side yara of: ., ~ ~ iQBIi .. ..4&1 ~ <br />~. 'he ...sD~" lidt .'ard H. t-back aha11 be 1IO teet, PaItht.' I ot ~. <br />an4 opIft ltoNge.w:UJ. be permitted withiD~O teet of the 81&1 )Vd UM. ~ <br />a:1da rard area l10t utWsec! tor or .. etonat IbI1l be l8radllolPld '11th <br />~ prcm.ded alema the lot line to fttlda 15 1teet of ID7 plbUo r.t.aJrt- <br />at..., '11De, ' <br /> <br />Carried b7 unan4-oua 'tOte. <br /> <br />rue 61&-71 Propoeed ord1nance repealing Ord1DaDoe boa Naulatins 101'ttIW1a 1.D <br />~ areas. seotian lO!21S of tbe. ZClt1DI Ordiunoe Idded to tbe or~oe <br />1a8't December, 1963, .... to be 11uadIqUate. H~, the 1Dtent of the pro- <br />'f1I1ana haft lllet'it_ thti itnl (a) .ad (b) s.a. sectiClft 10.~ haft Of8ated ... <br />ocmtu.lcm because they aN ftI\1e and not nttit""'~ ditined. The .soeport, IUb- <br />attoted'b7 II1dwen ~n1Da Ie Ruearoh dated April 1~ 19Q1, dltiniDa the tnopara. <br />U... equipment. end ".Mol_ .... oOl1.ide~ Mr. ParNftto, ftpJ'ttaent.1n1 f!r. Art <br />Oluek. OlDer ot the 18ftd east of the ,""f\IU. propertr, 1fhere it 18 propoeed to <br />OClYltruot a bulld1q tor Tr~11~Ue. 1rU ccmcemed about allow1n1 tM traak <br />iDdu8tI'1el to man 1D .., m 10 c1OiDI, d1aoou~ the lION d..1rable ~. <br />to locate 111 Rolln1l1e., Mr. Daubn." attom., Nl'"1-'1Iaa the 1"'1..." 1nt8f8at., <br />1ftmted Seotica. lO.21S lION det1ned 80 that Tr4"'~Ua oCNld operate \IIICI<<I' ""CD- <br />~ cond1tiaaa. He turther ltated that. 11 Roeni11e doee not wmt TraiJ.IdJ:I.le <br />to ..t\1a 1n the Vi11ap that ... ebou14 .0 mdicate. .elaca t1naU,'IIOftd, <br />