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<br />Vill2.[)2: of Roseville in order t~jat the ~ro"pel' assess::;cnt can be extcndeci <br /> <br />by the (.:::ounty Auditol' aGainst cae:1 ~arcel of ~ro}?erty ther2after, com- <br /> <br />ne;1CL13 vii th an aSSCSSLlcnt to be collected in the year 196.2..... and tl1ere- <br /> <br />.,.r.>.l-a-" <br />Cl..l. v\-o..L 1 <br /> <br />EOH) TlillREFORE) the Village Council of the Village of Roseville does <br /> <br />hc::cby r:la1~e the ap-portionment of original assessments as con- <br /> <br />taincd in said assessment roll of October ll, 1965 against the <br /> <br />described properties: <br /> <br />Di vision No. 3:)799 <br /> <br />ORIGINAL 11SSESSMENT: <br />.(see page 2) <br /> <br />Front <br /> <br />1b tELl <br /> <br />(A) 79-0090-110-30 <br />Gx 66 i't & ex E 1~10 ft of S 200ft of N <br />ft & ex E L~10 ft of S 11-21~ ft of N 720 ft <br />6~ ex W lJ80 ft of E 890ft of part lying S of <br />j 375~Ol~ ft & lyii;g N of Co. Rel B-2; the SE.~ <br />of lJH1~' jUsO, NE-t;:- of S\']-~ (sub,j to Hwy, Rd & <br />csmts) all in <br /> <br />2130.0 <br /> <br />:~25) 560.00 <br /> <br />See 9) T 29) R 23 <br /> <br />ilPPORTIOIWJEHT: <br /> <br />(1) 79-0090-130-30 <br />SUIJ,j to Ave & ex N 720 ft ~ part). lny of Co. <br />i~{L B-2, Oflj~ lno ft of SE-t- of IMi: of <br />Sec 9, T 29, R 23 <br /> <br />3[32. ::) <br /> <br />1t, 59L 20 <br /> <br />(2) 79-0090-1l~0-30 <br />l~c IT 66 ft & ex 1;<; 410ft of 375.04 ft & <br />ex E 890ft S of H 375.01~ ft & of Co <br />P..ct B-2 8c ex E 669.13 ft Sly oi' sd Co Rd; <br />1 1 - <br />tlJe S'i;-4 of ITW!t. Also S 30 f't of N 296 ft <br />of I~ 1-:.10 ft of sd c~ ft. IUso, ex IT 250.8 ft <br />ofl~; 669.13 ft; the NI<::-~ of SWt- (sub,j to Thiy, <br />P,Is & esnts) all in <br />See 9, T 29) R 23 <br /> <br />10,s2.5 <br /> <br />12,990.00 <br /> <br />(3) 79-0090-150-30 <br />Part, Sly of Co. Rd B-2, of E <br />"'1'1 o.o-'n"l AlQo, TJ 250.uO -.L""l-, O'P <br />l:Jb-4' 1. .L';~''l4. >-' -'-, .- <br />ft of lTE-& of SWc~ (subj to Ave) in <br />See 9, T 29) R 23 <br /> <br />.9 <br /> <br />7,97,s.f)0 <br /> <br />.13 ft of <br />8:; 669.13 <br /> <br />Totals <br /> <br />2130.0 <br /> <br />,~25) 560.00 <br />