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<br />62-2 <br />64-4 <br />64-5 <br />64-6 <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the County Auditor of Ra~sey County reqlires that apportionment of <br /> <br />the original assessment against each original tract where it has later been divided, <br /> <br />so ld or conveyed, be made by the Village Council of the "Tillage of Rosevil1e in order <br /> <br />that the proper assessment can be extended by the County Audi tor against each parcel <br /> <br />of property thereafter, commencing vnth an assessment to be collected in the year <br />1966 and thereafter, <br /> <br />NO.:J, THEHEFORE, the Village Council of the ilillage of Roseville does hereby <br /> <br />make the following apportionment of original assessment as contained in said <br /> <br />assessment roll of <br /> <br />Oct. 12 j 1964 <br /> <br />against the follOlving descri.bed properties: <br /> <br />DIVISION NO. 3585l~ <br /> <br />ORIGINAL ASSESSMEl'iJT: <br />(see page 40) <br /> <br />Lateral Trunk <br />front side area <br /> <br />Service <br />conn. Totals <br /> <br />(A) 79.-0030-130-60 <br />Ex S 300 ft lying W of E 793ft & ex N <br />r ' ~. ~ <br />007 ft of S 967 ft of E b23 ft & ex S <br />300 ft of E 623 ftj the NEt of SWt (subj <br />to Rds & esmts) in Sec 3, T 29, R 23 <br /> <br />1445.0 125.0 14.0 <br /> <br />1050.00 ~ 12707.50 <br /> <br />,~.---- ......._--~-..,~..-,-, ~"..~._~. <br /> <br />REAPPORTIONMEl'JT : <br /> <br />(1) 79-0030-200-60 <br />W 170 ft of E 793 ft of S 300 ft of NEt <br />of SWt of Sec 3, T 29, R 23 <br /> <br />170.0 <br /> <br />.4 <br /> <br />75.00 <br /> <br />1002.50 <br /> <br />(2) 79-0030-210-60 <br />Subj to Rds & esmtsj part, 1'1 of Centen- <br />nial Drive, of NEt of SWt of <br />Sec 3, T 29, R 23 <br /> <br />1275.0 125.0 <br /> <br />li-.3 <br /> <br />975.00 <br /> <br />8915.00 <br /> <br />() }~~INE COURT <br />lot 1, Block 1 <br /> <br />)~. 5 <br /> <br />1350.00 <br /> <br />HAHLINE COURT <br />lDt 1, Block 2 <br /> <br />l~. 8 <br /> <br />11~1~0 . 00 <br /> <br />Totals <br /> <br />1445.0 125.0 14.0 <br /> <br />1050.00 $ 12707.50 <br />