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<br />ROSEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION <br /> <br />Page:#: 10 <br /> <br />Wednesday, July 6, 1988 <br /> <br />high density residential park and business and from business to <br />high density residential, and rezoning from R-2 to R-1 and B-4, <br />and rezoning from SC to R-3A and B-4, a special Use Permit for a <br />Planned unit Development and a preliminary plat at 2775 Lexington <br />Avenue. <br /> <br />Presentation <br /> <br />Dahlgren summarized the proposal, it's location, surrounding land <br />use, right-of-way dedication, comprehensive plan and zoning <br />designations, and traffic access into the site. <br /> <br />Arnie Gregory, representing the developer testified that the <br />proposal was in response to needs expressed by the city. Gregory <br />highlighted the project, including the reduced density adjacent <br />to single family, higher density adjacent to Lexington Avenue, <br />upscale amenities, a 2.7 acre park dedication for a ball field, <br />and a 40,000 sq. ft. retail center. <br /> <br />Gregory said that the 8-plex units which were originally 30 ft. <br />from the property line have been moved to be 40 ft. from the <br />property line adjacent to single family with a landscape and <br />berm buffer area. <br /> <br />Gregory summarized the exterior materials and the appearance of <br />the various structures proposed on the site. <br /> <br />DeBenedet inquired about the minimum setback required for the <br />8-plex units. Dahlgren responded that a minimum of 30 ft. <br />setback would be required which was the same in the R-2 district. <br />Dahlgren pointed out that under the existing R-2 zoning, detached <br />garages could be 5 ft. from the property line, adjacent to the <br />single family. <br /> <br />DeBenedet questioned the size of the landscaping being proposed. <br />Gregory replied that there would be various sizes of landscaping <br />in the buffer area. There would be 5 ft. to 6 ft. high berms, <br />and mature landscaping including 16 ft. high pine trees on top of <br />the berm to effectively screen the duplexes from the adj acent <br />single family. <br /> <br />DeBenedet asked if the section drawing reflects a worst case. <br />The drainage expert for the applicant pointed out that in all <br />cases the first floor of the 8-plexes would be lower than the <br />adjacent property line. <br />