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Last modified
7/17/2007 3:35:59 PM
Creation date
12/15/2004 8:04:04 AM
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Planning Commission
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<br />street. <br /> <br />Member Duncan asked if rental parking was the reason for allowing more parking (yes). <br /> <br />Chair Rhody closed the hearing. <br /> <br />Motion: Member Duncan moved, second by Member Wilke, to recommend approval of the request by John Jakel <br />for a 36 foot variance to Section 703.04B1 a of the Roseville City Code to allow an increase in the required <br />driveway apron with in a public right-of-way from 26 feet to 62 feet for property located at 3170 West Owasso <br />Boulevard, based on the findings in Section 3 of the project report dated June 12, 2001. <br /> <br />Ayes: Duncan, Wilke, Olson, Rhody, Traynor, Cunningham <br /> <br />Nays: None <br /> <br />Motion carried 6-0. <br /> <br />f. Planning File 3309: Olson request for a 19 foot Variance from Section 703.04B1a and a five foot Variance <br />from Section 703.04B9 for property at 3188 West Owasso Boulevard. (Wm Olson) <br /> <br />Chair Rhody opened the hearing and requested Thomas Paschke to provide a verbal summary of the staff report <br />dated June 12, 2001. <br /> <br />William Olson is requesting a 19-foot variance from Section 703.04B1 a of the City Code to allow a driveway apron <br />in the public right-of-way to be increased from the required 26-foot maximum width to a width of 45 feet. Mr. Olson <br />is also seeking a variance from Section 703.04B9 of the Roseville City Code to allow a driveway to encroach into <br />the required five foot setback five feet. <br /> <br />With this reduction of setback, Mr. Olson may retain the driveway in approximately the same location. <br /> <br />The three findings recommended by the staff included: <br />A. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use if used under conditions allowed by the official <br />controls: Mr. Zaun currently has a 32-foot wide apron that provides access to the detached garage (directly <br />adjacent to West Owasso Boulevard) and driveway that extends towards the home which provides access <br />and parking. Requiring an apron modification consistent with the City Code (26 feet in width) would <br />prevenUcritically limit access to the home and off-street parking. <br />B. The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the land owner: <br />The City's Pavement Management Program and the reconstruction of West Owasso Boulevard has required <br />Mr. Zaun to apply for a variance if he wants the existing (or similar) driveway apron width to remain. Mr. <br />Zaun's driveway improvements were constructed prior to the City having a maximum apron width <br />requirement for the public right-of-way. <br />C. The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality: The proposed six-foot variance <br />to the required apron width in a public right-of-way will not alter the essential character or the locality, nor <br />adversely affect the public health, safety, or general welfare, of the city or adjacent properties. <br /> <br />Staff recommended approval of the two variances. <br /> <br />Deb Bloom, Assistant Public Works Director, noted that the driveway is approximately a 20% grade. <br /> <br />Member Wilke asked if drainage on driveway will remain in the street (The grade difference in the new road design <br />will reduce street-to-drive drainage). <br /> <br />Member Olson asked if the driveway encroached into the side setback and adjacent property to the north, which is <br />in Shoreview. The variance within the property stops at the Roseville boundary that is the north property line. <br /> <br />Member Duncan asked if he needs an easement from property to the north. (Mr. Olson said property has been <br />same since 1929, with 280 foot driveway. The neighbor in Shoreview has requested a similar solution with <br />pavement to the property line). <br /> <br />Motion: Member Duncan moved, second by Member Rhody, to recommend approval of the request by William <br />Olson for: <br />. A 19 foot variance to Section 703.04B1 a of the Roseville City Code to allow an increase in the required <br />
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