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<br />" ECOno.mic and Co.mmunity Suppo.rts: Program Info.rmatio.n: The Fo.o.d Suppo.rt Pro.gram <br /> <br /> <br />II !;CS...Main Paqe <br />II clJilcUi\1PJ;lort5_e.[\! i ce_s <br />.. Pe..iIf!l!._H<![C;tpltie<!ring <br />~eryl~es <br />. preoram InfermiI..tioQ <br />II Regulatiof)!ijlDd <br />P[Q~~dJ,Jses <br />.. Welt are RefoIm <br />.. !nfo[mi!ti9..o_~ystems <br />.. R!m_Qr:tS_<!Dd_StaJ;istics <br />.. Fe_e.d!:1~~ <br /> <br />Global Navigation <br /> <br />.. HoW De l/We.,. <br />.. A..toZ..J:9-pl~ <br />.. EAQsUJ <br />.. CQ~nd<1r <br />. Newsreom <br /> <br />.. Documents & Forms <br />.. Grants &J~EP.s <br />.. Bulletins. & Manuals <br />Ii PublicatLons.&Re.Qerts <br /> <br />. Counties & Reaional <br />. Emoleyment <br />.. A.b.9_YtPJ:JS <br /> <br />Page 1 o.f3 <br /> <br />Tepic J:!el1le.. Sear:~I:J_ HellL Centact Us <br /> <br />e~onoml~~a nctC_Ommyo.ity <br />SUJmorts <br />The Food Support Program <br /> <br />(formerly called Food Stamps) <br />Program Description <br /> <br />The Feed Suppert pregram started in this ceuntry in 1939. <br />Hewever, the program as we knew it teday began in 1977. <br />The geal ef the program is to. assist lew-inceme persens and <br />families so. they can purchase feed and better meet their <br />nutritienal needs. The pregram is net intended to. supply all <br />ef a persen's er family's feed needs. Instead, it <br />supplements these needs while the persen er family makes <br />an effert to. beceme self-supperting. <br /> <br />Funding and Operations <br /> <br />The United States Department ef Agriculture, Feed and <br />Nutritien Services provides states with the funding needed <br />and the pelicy geverning the Feed Suppert program. <br />Minneseta's Department ef Human Services supervises the <br />pregram en a state level, clarifies pelicies, reviews caunty <br />perfarmance, and distributes manthly benefits. In <br />accerdance with state and federal directives caunty human <br />services agencies accept client applicatians, determine <br />eligibility and determine benefit levels. The Faed Suppert <br />pregram is available in all 87 Minnesata caunties. <br /> <br />Participation Requirements <br /> <br />Manthly benefit ievels are based an inceme and the number <br />af persans in the hausehald. Usually, if the hausehald's net <br />incame is around 130 percent af federal paverty ar belaw, <br />the hausehald will qualify far Faad Suppart assistance. If all <br />the persans in a hausehald qualify far General Assistance <br />(GA) ar the Supplemental Security Incame (SSI) program, <br />they wauld also. qualify fer fead suppart. Hausehelds exiting <br />the MFIP program may still qualify far faad assistance from <br />the Faad Suppart pragram. <br /> <br />Monthly Benefits <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />1/21/2003 <br />