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<br />~tlM"s \ tte<;t, .MIIIY"-D, M'blVln, 'BdA.~er;: ~5ef~ . <br />tlbl.l.f,e.. UlVl'\J1'&tY\IlTV\'. 1tF"J~5 (g~~, 1l11!",Se.I1, La"'t.'\I~1 Lel~eV") <br />./io, legleletuce Home I Seecch I Help Illnke to the Wocld <br />'. .. ':. <br /> <br /> <br />KEY: ~~r~ ~J\:QR = old language to be removed <br />unders~Qred = new language to be added <br /> <br />NOTE: If you cannot see any difference in the key above, you need to change the displgy.of stricken <br />and/or underscored language. <br /> <br />AuthiJJland Status · Listv.ersionli <br /> <br />S.F No. 825, as introduced: 83rd Legislative Session (2003-2004) Posted on Mar 11, 2003 <br /> <br />1.1 <br />1.2 <br />1.3 <br />1.4 <br />1.5 <br />1.6 <br />1.7 <br />1.8 <br />1.9 <br />1.10 <br />1.11 <br />1.12 <br />1.13 <br />1.14 <br />1.15 <br />1.16 <br />1.17 <br />1.18 <br />1.19 <br />1. 20 <br />1. 21 <br />1. 22 <br />1. 23 <br />1. 24 <br />1. 25 <br />2.1 <br />2.2 <br />2.3 <br />2.4 <br />2.5 <br />2.6 <br />2.7 <br />2.8 <br />2.9 <br />2.10 <br />2.11 <br />2.12 <br />2.13 <br />2.14 <br />2.15 <br />2.16 <br />2.17 <br /> <br />A bill for an act <br />relating to transportation; authorizing cities to <br />impose a transportation utility fee; proposing coding <br />for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 275. <br />BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: <br />Section 1. [275.084] [TRANSPORTATION UTILITY FEE.] <br />Subdivision 1. [DEFINITIONS.] Foy the purposes of. this <br />section, the ,~followinq terms have the mea:qJnqs qJven. <br />(1) llMunicipalityrt means .9- home rule charter or _statutory <br />~ <br />(2) "Gove~:g._inq body" means the city counc;:Jl of_,_~ <br />municipal~ <br />(3) IIReconstructiqn II mea:q._s paving, qradinq, curbs anq <br />~tters,_bridqe repair, overlays, drajnage, ~ase work, subqrade <br />corrections, and boulevard restoration. <br />Ji.L,_IIFacility upqradell meal!-s traffic siqnals, turn lanes, <br />medians, street approaches I alleys, riqhts-of-way, sid~walks, <br />retaininq ~_alls, j:ence .~nstallation, an~ addit~onal traffic <br />lanes~ <br />(5) "MaiI!-tenanc:~ II mea!!,~ striping I seal coatig9_!_~~ack <br />.seali"~q, sidewalk maintenance, sigpal maintenance,.. street light:. <br />mai~tenance, and si9naqe~ <br />Subd. 2. [AUTHORIZATION.] A municipality may impose the <br />~rans~9rtation utility fee p~ovide? in t~is section aqa~Q3t land <br />located within_its boundaries. <br />Subd. 3. [PROCEDURES FOR ADOPTION.] A municipality may <br />impose the transport~tion utility fee provided in this section <br />hY__"ordinan~e adopted by a two-_,!=:pirds,. vote of its qoverning <br />pody. The resolutio~ must ~ot be voted on or adq~~ntil <br />after a pub1jc hearinq has been held on the question. A notic:~ <br />of the time, place, "and purpose C2J the hearing must beM published <br />at least C?~ce in__._~ach week for two su<:;cessive weeks in the <br />official news~aper qf the ~unic~P?lity, or in a newsp~~~ <br />general co.ntent and circulation within the municipalitYt an~ the <br />last notice must be publish~d at ~east ~even days prior to th~ <br />hearinq. The ~~nicipality, if adopted, mu~~ fil~ the ordinance <br />of record with the county recorder, an~ the ~~nicipality mus~ <br />Q!9vide ~ copy ~o the county auditor. <br />Subd. 4. [COLLECTION.] The ordinanc" adopted under this <br />section must provide for t):le bi:!..~,i:!nd paY!J1_ent of the fee on a <br />monthly, quar~erly, or other basis as di~ected by the governing <br />body. FeeE!.__J:hat, as of Oc~ober 15 each__ calendar year, have <br /> <br />~ <br />