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<br /> <br /> <br />., <br /> <br />"..:0-.','), <br /> <br />".~f'-;';~' ,:'. . <br /> <br />??:~:-::-::-:':-': ':.;:. .~~\~ <br /> <br />C:7"i 8:' ~::'-'~~:..:.' '..!..!;.~.: <br /> <br />C' :>'--:.~-=.:: <:;' ;..:;.....'\:.s~Y' <br />::.:.~-:=: '..~ ~...:;..;-:::SQ!';... <br /> <br />~,S:O?:-:~;:: ." <br /> <br />~-::l~'-::-'':'' <br />- - .,. --~- <br /> <br />:~~57Ai...:":'\T10:~ ?Ol.,lC\" <br /> <br />.:.. J. '. -; ~ <br /> <br />~';:>-!ER-=:;'.s, eac~ ':,::.3.':: t~c Ci::.'\" council rccci ves scv~r:l1 <br />~equcE~5 fc~ the i~st~llatio~ c~ ~tr~ct li~\l~S; ~nd <br /> <br />:.ffiERE.;:i, t:10 CC'St. 2: ~'~,crC!tin9 stl~ect lights is a <br />l<3.r'-:-;-(~' i u:;-:t; ;1':"',,: <br /> <br />',..""REP"::.:-'.:;. ,:::'..::, ~ '.:::.. -':'Y,l:~,;:il de:d..:rCS t.o r:\aint3.\,n and. <br />02:;.h~nce the 5;:::-:-:'-:;'" of its ':1<2i.:;hborhoods through the pro- <br />vis:ic:" of strec':: ~ i.."t":';:s ""\lilc at the 5ilr;1.C time keeoino th.e <br />":~x :::~:::-den of u?21"".J.ti':'l9 s'.:::cet lishts ,Jt a r:linir:"lUn; <br /> <br />:!()~.;, 'i";;::r:S?OR:, S: 'IT RESOLVED by the council of the <br />cit~' ;:'~' :,~o::;i(l:: '.!.ieh" _1(0';: '::.hc follm.:in~ policy ~hal1 qovcrn <br />the i~l~t>J.~_ :.~:ti.:>:o c: s'::.:"'::'0.t. li'1!-'1ts in rcsidc:Y':.inl areas: <br /> <br />(~.! p=-=-:X-::::-7..... O',mC':.-S G(~sirinq installation of stI:"eet <br />.li.,--:~1:::::. ;;h<1.1.1 s'J;:;~i".:: <1 :::ctition regues,ting such <br />w1.::.:', ::.he SiS:12..tur~s c~ .J.t least fifty percent of <br />t.i:.~? .J.ff0C"-'::'-:;C :-:~CFc~ ty CV1!1crs. A property :.)\o)TIeT. <br />s\12.1~ be d'~e~cd to be affected if his;\ler property <br />i::: ',.:itl.i,;": 20Q :e,=t ie, 2.ny stl:eet di~ection from the <br />?~O~osc~ strc0~ li0h~ locatiO~ on either side of <br />t:.2 str~',:;t.. <br /> <br />(2) ?l',c P2:'O',,)\:.S8C lcc:1tior: sh~ll meet dt least one of <br />'..:hc :ollm.;-inc; c:-i.teri,J.: =ntersections. ~;harp curv2S, <br />C':.1;' d~~ sacS, ce.-:.d ends, long blocks, vandalized <br />2.'!.-e;:s, or ;;,i:'>b!.oc';{ ?'2'o.estrial' crosswalks. P- <br />sho-...'ina of :-teed. fo!" Ll. similar criteri.1 may also <br />Ciuality. ~he ..---:rit.:::-ric. must be related t.O a need for <br />::,uolic S3:::C'''-:'~'- <br /> <br />(3) .\11 st::eet lic:rh~s sha.ll be sDac~d at least 400 feet <br />,J.?;}'C-:: u:11ess t:1C iJ,bo'\.-c criteria apply - In nO case <br />shilll lights 1:e closer than 250 feet to one another. <br /> <br />(:i! ;-,11 ne:,,' S':~c2t liqht installations shall be 100 watt <br />hi~h p::-~ss'.)r'2 SOciUIll ~t a 30 foot mounting height, <br /> <br />{5) S~~Ect liqhts s~3l1 De included in all public improve- <br />",c,.\:. projecLS to the above c::-itexia. <br /> <br />( 6 ~ <br /> <br />0ualifvi~u ~ccuas~5 ~or street lic~I~S may be <br />schedulcd'~or'j.nsta},lation in a s~b5cqucnt year if <br />t~1~ Citv council detc~ines sufficient [unds ar~ <br />not aval1cble i~ the current city ~udg~t. <br /> <br />.~.dop ted <br /> <br />this 27th <br /> <br />of: ::a\.c~b0r, <br /> <br />19-;8. <br /> <br />........-...,..... <br />,.." ... C...J' ~ : <br /> <br />...j I <br />I ' <br />C~_2:./:' --:"lJ.!..:.:1._~ <br /> <br />I. <br />.,l.' I' '" ., <br />:-,;.ayo-:: <br /> <br />,~; , <br /> <br />'\ <br />\ , <br />) j <br /> <br />._~~-_.- <br /> <br />1 ,,' (r(,-, ,7 <br />fO/L?"Uj'u.:.J;'1ffj/1- <br /> <br />~j r<~~cl~1nj.3tratar <br /> <br /> <br />I <br />u <br />~ <br />i <br />1 <br />I <br />I <br />! <br />