<br />
<br />ANCHOR
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Techture Stone i" designed r.o! only 10 be be~Juliful,
<br />but vcnotilo. lhrouBh Cl r.:onfigvraricn of ccbr, kxtum,
<br />5hnpD alld size, the dB:Slgn yeu crenln is uniqudy your
<br />G'.'Ir,. in period hormony with the [;IlVil'on[lH'!l1I, Tf:chtunJ
<br />Stone liherates cr=fivity without inHaling Ilw 6clfom line.
<br />
<br />AnCKOR
<br />:aoc:.: CO:,f':,.iT{
<br />
<br />Web: www.'HlchorbloCK (Om
<br />("Home" 5~rvj<<,: 763..j}5-'l1l'1
<br />
<br />technology
<br />Continuer} fro!!) fJi'!!F' 'i;;
<br />
<br />pl"(}n'~~('" thill \\'L'fl,' {)llU,' foul1d thcw. ('1-
<br />lim;l\cl\', th(' (:rc;ll :-<nnlll'lll "ili' \\'illlw;1
<br />11111dvl fcn till' ll:i!lIr;i1-\\'~(l'lll~ :lppnlilch
<br />III \[(Illll-\\-;I!CI trl';ltJlll'tlt
<br />!'(l! ;1 JllJI111WI ()j H'il~{Hl\ Ildltlld! '-.\1-;11('-
<br />,~il'\ Inr "lOfll1-\\\lil'r \lhltll1l'll\ :ir(, nol \'ct
<br />\Lmclard prilcticL'_ I-!r\!, tIll' l11;lillrity (It c1l'-
<br />sig!1C1's <Inti enginccf'. l1;l\'C lWL'11 tr:tilll"d ill
<br />lr:lditinnal tl'du\iqucs, which llll'illlS [l sig-
<br />nifiGHll !earning CU1YC dnd tinll' I;lg heton_'
<br />a nitiGJlll1d"s uj !1iltural SY"[C'1l1S ;lfL' in use
<br />In order to create a natural ,tornl"wa!Cf
<br />treatrncnt ,yskll1 [hi:t functions dft'cti\"c-
<br />iy, dc;,igrwr;, Inti;,! kno\\' 110\\" natural S\'S-
<br />tems work_ This im'ohTs undcrstanding
<br />110\\' hydrolog~'. soil and plants interact
<br />mus! dfcc1i\'ch-, as \\'ell as understanding
<br />iIldividual plan! specic", and tlwir tolerance
<br />nf hlric)LJs e!l\'ironmental C(mdliinm_
<br />-\cstl1ctics also must he (l major con-
<br />sideration ill till' future ilcccptancc l)1
<br />natufal-systclllS design, particularly in ur-
<br />
<br />58 :\F:CI1!l[("'ii,)i{i liW,j!.!ESOT;\
<br />
<br />hilll LlH,\IS. \\'c iHl' dLlustullled to d \'(_'1':'
<br />l11arlicllre'd :lp[)CaraIKl' in llllr brl(lsCilPC"
<br />dill! tlle U',C of "wille". wl'l I:ll Ids and uthu
<br />"tr;lll'gies ill\-O!\'l'S the iln:cptdnn' oj "ol11e
<br />I.k,t.;rl'l' (\1 "\\'ilcllll'SS." In tIll' p:lst, [morh
<br />designed pmjects ban' gi\\'n Il:ltllral "'"S
<br />\('111\ t1w Il'jHlt;ltiun uf hl'ing I11l'SS\' duc
<br />III :1 lack of mein and :\ "\\'cl'th' ilppl':H-
<br />;111((' \ 11lldillUl edges dnd !\l() llliltl\
<br />species oj 111ixed Iwight (JJ\(i [(.'X/Ill(' Cln
<br />credle this cfree\. Thu", designs ,,!wllld :1]).
<br />pear orderly, Sf) thc public CHI rccogni/l'
<br />thl' human !ll\'{)I\'l'nll'n[ in the pf/lLCS\
<br />Cil'illl lines au-omplished through tIll.' USt'
<br />of a \'arict~" of edgings, and gcoll1clric
<br />form" and bold patterns crc<lted \\'itll
<br />plants, l1elp erl.'atl> a IW,11 look tll:ll \\W
<br />please IlH)',j ohser\-crs,
<br />-\nolher factor ilffccting acceptancc uf
<br />natural ,,;ySIl'lTlS is a lack of c()ll1panics to
<br />properl:' m:\intain thelll \f;linlcn:lnCl'is
<br />Silllil:H [n tile \\'eeding, Irinll11int.; :lrHI
<br />lllulching of most landse:qw projects, IHH
<br />natural-sy'\tc!ll"; maintellallce require,,;
<br />\on1l' kno\\'ledge' of !latin' species_ PCHH
<br />
<br />InailltellaJ1CC \\-ill ultilnatC'h r(,sld! ill lll\'
<br />\\'eed\' appc:ll;lllCL' t!1:l\ is lllliKCl'plahlc to
<br />tllC puhlil-,
<br />\li"lK'rccptilJ11'-i ~ll){)ut Iliglwr l'(lsh rn;l~
<br />:dsn Ill' ~I(I\\'i!lg the dcwlopmcI11 ()f 111e',;l.'
<br />projects, while C;l'l'at l{ivCE Cn'vning and
<br />()tlwr profes"ioJl:lls ;Ifl' timling Ill:l! emt
<br />gC'lll_Tiill\' i" nol :l limilin,\; f~lctnr I k\'l'lop-
<br />Cf" Gll1 '>il\"(' jO III Jr() pcru'nt (II 1i1l' co'.! lit
<br />site dv\'(:!o[JlIwnt Il"ing natural S\'\tCillS ul
<br />storm-\\'atL'r trt'atnWl1t tlmlllgh ti\(' reduc-
<br />tion m dimination ell irrig:ltio[l Sy,>tl'r11S.
<br />pipes and catch hil"im
<br />\lthuugh tlw PWFUfU!Wdll sdtlerncnt
<br />landscape of the Twin Cities region can
<br />11CH'r be fully IT,>ttlred. some of the natuf-
<br />ill 11rOCCS~l'S that (lllCC c"i\tcd can he re-
<br />claimed alld used effectiwly in tlH' lami.
<br />scape. \Vith good design, sllch llatural SV'i-
<br />Ic'm',; as rain gardens Clll 11l' a cost-dfcc-
<br />tin', ccologicall~' cf[vclin' and ilttrar1j"l'
<br />IlldhOli to manage storm \\':11"[,, ImpH1H'
<br />\\-;1ter quality and OllU' :lgall1 cmhraCl'
<br />rainfall in our rcgicHl AM
<br />